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Reimbursements for


purchases made as a Reliant Missionary during your time at a summer program


If you need to pay your event program fee see Summer Program Fee Payments for Intern and Reliant Missionary

To reimburse your event program fee see Conferences, Retreats, and Events


or event


Why Per Diem?

Per Diem is the only way to reimburse meals while serving in a ministry role at a Reliant summer program (ex. LT), for 2 weeks or more. You may not submit a reimbursement form itemizing your meals during those two weeks or longer; you must submit a Per Diem form to cover the cost of those meals.

Requesting Per Diem for the weeks during a summer program can be helpful to offset higher grocery and meal costs you may incur while serving in a ministry location that is not your home. Because you are away from home, you don't have the same conveniences available to you that you are accustomed to, for cooking and meal planning, etc. 

If you participate in a meal plan in which you do not pay for some meals during the summer program, please only request Per Diem for meals you will be paying for out of pocket. Because the Colorado LT Trash-n-Tray participants have some meals provided for them by the YMCA, they have an automatic $10 reduction in their daily rate. 

Meals during which you actively minister to someone or MTD meals with donors that occur during the summer program can be reimbursed even if you are receiving Per Diem, as long as they are kept to a reasonable frequency and amount (see Reimbursement section below).  

Submitting Your Per Diem Forms (for participants to receive the funds personally)

Create a copy of a blank Per Diem form found on this Per Diem Reimbursement Solomon page. You will need your Reliant email address and password to log into Google Drive. 

As the Per Diem form instructs, please be sure to obtain supervisor approval for your Per Diem forms when you submit for reimbursement.  

Fortunately, no receipts are needed for requesting Per Diem. Per Diem is a daily rate, or allowance, to cover your meals. 

Lastly, remember that only one Per Diem form is submitted for one month. As an example, submit a May form for days at a summer program in May. Submit a different June form for the days you are there in June, and so on. You may submit multiple months of Per Diem forms at one time, and even ahead of time (a month in advance) however, please do not submit any earlier than 30 days in advance. Example: Submit May, June, and July Per Diems on 6/30/17, for payment on 7/20/17. Because we won't pay these until 7/20, we can accept the July Per Diem as early as 6/30/17.

All Collegiate LT Per Diems must be submitted by midnight, August 31st, 2017. 

Per Diems As A Travel Advance

If you received a Travel Advance to pass out Per Diems to your event participants, use a Per Diem Cash Journal to record the amounts received by each participant. Each participant will need to sign and date for receipt of the Per Diem. When complete, scan the journal and email it to accounting@reliant.org.

UI Button
titlePer Diem Cash Journal - Google Drive

An Excel version of the Per Diem Cash Journal is available if needed.

What can be Reimbursed During My Time at a summer program?

Missionaries can reimburse through the MTD account they are responsible for (on a normal reimbursement form) travel to and from the Reliant summer program (as long as the location of the program is over 100 miles from where you live). These travel expenses could include a flight out to LT, mileage to LT that is over 100 miles one-way, travel meals along the way, tolls, etc.  



The event fund is not used to reimburse travel to or from the event for missionaries or event directors attending the program. Missionaries may choose to reimburse travel from the account from which they are responsible for when it is a ministry-related expense. See Travel for more details. (See also LT Director Stipends.)

Speaker travel is reimbursable using an event fund, but typically a speaker is given honorarium to then use the account for which they are responsible for to reimburse event travel. See Speaker And Church/Ministry Honorariums for Events for more details.

Also reimbursable during the missionaries time at the event are typical MTD ministry purchases… Stamps, envelopes, prayer letter printing, donor meals, etc. Some examples with ministry purposes are listed below.

Items that can not be can not be reimbursed to missionaries after arriving at the Reliant Summer Program include:

  • Meals throughout the day (remember, those are covered by Per Diem see Per Diem !)During Events
  • Mileage around town that is less than 100 miles one-way (remember, that is covered by your Ministry Expense Bonus!) 


If you need to purchase supplies for the specific summer program, you would typically reimburse those through petty cash from the event finance administrator or if the event if not using petty cash then you would reimburse it using the event fund.  See Event Petty Cash Purchases by Missionaries.However, some summer programs (ex. Adirondack LT) have chosen to have their staff reimburse through regular reimbursements using their Event Fund rather than using Petty Cash.  See  and Reimbursements for the Event Fund for details. 

Examples with Ministry Purposes: 

Mileage Driving to and from LT:

Driving out to Colorado LT in Estes Park, CO to serve in my role as main worship leader for the summer program. This is my mileage for intially going out to LT.

Driving out to Colorado LT in Estes Park, CO, to serve as my role in set-up team. I have to drive back and forth between the LT location and my home three times to help set-up the event including housing logistics and stage/music set-up.

Travel Meals driving to and from LT:Driving from my home to Colorado LT, dinner stop along the way. This lists my cost of food for this dinner. The portion that was for my spouse and kids, is listed in the Taxable section.
MTD Meal while at LT location:Met with John Smith, a current donor, while at my LT location in Colorado. I updated him on my campus ministry, along with how LT is going here in Colorado. I got to update him on what activities we are doing at LT.
Supplies for LT (asked to purchase by Director):Purchased flashlights, as requested by my Colorado LT Director, for part of a team-building and encouraging game we played at night with the participants.
