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MultiExcerptNameextended furlough taxes


Some people on extended furloughs have the right maintain their Foreign tax status, and continue to file form 2555, even when they are in the US more that Reliant’s standard furlough of three months.  However, the IRS guidelines are very specific, and there are many possible scenarios to consider. Therefore, if you will be in the US longer than 3 months on your furlough we suggest you contact Barb Seckler from our Employment Services team to consult on your tax status

If you have a furlough longer than 3 months and do maintain your foreign status, please let us know the followingyou do not have bona fide residence in your location of service, please document the following (for Reliant, and for your tax return):

  1. Locations of your stays in the US (with approximate timing).
  2. What you will be doing while in the US.
  3. Your expected maximum stay (at this time).
  4. Where your major household belongings will be during your extended furlough. 

Also, please Please understand we are assuming that our international missionaries want to maintain those statusestheir foreign residence status.  In most cases your foreign tax residence stays in your location of service in the eyes of the IRS, until you intentionally move back to the US.  If you wish to move your tax location (for payroll purposes) to a US location during your stay, we can do thatplease consult with your tax adviser to understand the outcomes of that choice.   Reliant can accommodate that need.  We would report your taxes according to the state in which you live/work, and pay local and US taxes based on that location.  It may be that you have a   If you or your tax adviser encouraging you wish to make that change, and we will follow your wishes, if that is your leaning. Just email international@reliant.org to let us know.  

MultiExcerptNameextended furlough healthcare


Reliant's international healthcare plan with Global Benefits Group (GBG) covers our missionaries for up to 90 days of furlough in the US. In the event of an extended furlough (lasting longer than 90 days) there are a couple of options for how you can sustain healthcare insurance:

  1. Stay with GBG (International Insurance): 
    • GBG can continue to cover you while in the US, with a standard pricing rule of an 85% premium surcharge on your rates. If your stay exceeds 90 days when for normal furlough activities, Reliant will cover the cost of the premium surcharge for the fourth through the sixth months.  After the sixth month, the surcharge will be covered by your MTD account. Once you return to your international country the premium will be adjusted to the current premium. There is the possibility that GBG will offer a lower premium surcharge, if there is a history of good claims - but this is at the discretion of GBG.
  2. Temporarily change to Guidestone (US insurance): 
    • You have the right to change your plan with GBG at any time while you are in the US and enroll in our US insurances. This option can incur multiple deductibles for the respective year and could potentially mean an increase in out of pocket expenses. 
    • Also keep in mind, the GBG plan offers medical, dental and vision. If you choose to discontinue this plan while on extended furlough and wish to maintain dental and vision coverage, you will need to enroll separately in dental and vision coverage in addition to medical coverage with Guidestone.
    • Once returning to your international location, you must also change back to international coverage with GBG.
