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titleBonuses Subject to Available Funding in MTD Account

Please note that all bonuses below will be paid out subject to funds available in the MTD account for which the missionary is responsible, and would become back-pay if the fund does not have enough funding to pay the bonus completely.

Settling-In Bonus

Who is eligible?

International Missionaries with Reliant who have been released to assignment and are either leaving for their international location or have just arrived at their international location are eligible to request a settling-in bonus.  On occasion, if the missionary did not request enough funding in the initial settling-in bonus, they can request a second settling-in bonus for additional expenses with Reliant approval.

What expenses can I include in this bonus?

Include any expenses that the missionary will incur as they are settling-in to their new international assignment like furniture, initial deposits for apartments or utilities, apartment finder fees, furniture and household goods, housewares, appliances, bicycle, initial deposit for schooling if applicable, etc.  Some expenses like shipping costs, special equipment, etc. can be covered by reimbursements instead of by the settling-in bonus.

What happens if my expenses on the field are more or less than the bonus amount I received?

We encourage missionaries to work with their receiving organizations/churches to estimate their initial settling-in expenses to the best of their ability.  However, if the expenses incurred are less than the bonus amount you received, we encourage missionaries to keep the extra bonus funding and use it for future expenses that they may need or may have reimbursed without needing to submit a future reimbursement.  If the expenses exceed the bonus amount received, you may submit one additional settling-in bonus offset to make up the difference.

How often can I request this bonus?

You will only request this bonus once when initially settling-in to the host country, unless the initial bonus did not cover the full amount needed for settling-in.  In that case, you could request a second settling-in bonus to cover the difference of your actual expenses minus what you already received.

What about taxes?

The settling-in bonus is taxable, so you will want to include a line item for the taxes that will be withheld from the bonus on your paycheck.

    • Social Security and Medicare:  Include a line item of 7.65% for Social Security and Medicare.  Do not include the Social Security and Medicare tax line item if you are ordained or commissioned and have opted out of the Social Security System.  Do include an additional 7.65% to cover the employer portion of Social Security and Medicare taxes if you are ordained or commissioned and have stayed in the Social Security System. 
    • Federal Income Taxes: Include a line item of approximately 10-15% to cover Federal Income Taxes.  If you immediately qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, you do not need to include the 10-15% to cover Federal Income Taxes.
Do I need receipts for my purchases with this bonus?

No, you do not need to submit receipts to document this bonus.  Instead, make your best estimate using information provided from your host country contacts and based on your previous experience in country.  The amounts do not have to be exact.  However, we will want itemization in general categories ($200 for linens and bath goods; $350 for kitchen utensils / appliances, $850 for living room furniture, etc.) 

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titleInternational Settling In and Vehicle Bonus Request Form

Moving Bonus (when an expense is not reimbursable)  

Who is eligible?

International Missionaries who are moving from one ministry location to another, whether within the same city, country, or to a different country overseas, are eligible to reimburse moving expenses according to the Reliant Accountable Reimbursement Policy.  The moving bonus would cover expenses that are not reimbursable.  That might include purchase of luggage, personal items not included on the reimbursement form.  Contact reimbursements@reliant.org to ask what moving expenses may be reimbursable before submitting for this bonus.  See also Reimbursable Moving Expenses

Be sure to itemize the moving expenses, such as including moving company fees, expenses for boxes, expenses for apartment deposits, etc. 

What about taxes?

This bonus is taxable.  If the missionary is subject to Social Security, Medicare, and federal income taxes, the missionary should include these taxes on the bonus request form.  See "What about taxes?" under the Settling-In Bonus above for more details.

Does this bonus require supervisor approval?

Yes, you must email this bonus request to your supervisor and international@reliant.org and ask your supervisor to review and send his or her approval confirming that this move is ministry related to international@reliant.org with his or her electronic signature (Full Name, Fund Number if Reliant staff, Email Address, Phone Number, Date).

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titleInternational Settling In and Vehicle Bonus Request Form

Vehicle Bonus

Who is eligible?

International Missionaries who have been Released to Assignment and are serving overseas are eligible to request a vehicle bonus provided they have supervisor approval for the ministry purpose and safety/security instruction for owning a vehicle in the country where he or she is serving.

What about taxes?

This bonus is taxable.  If the missionary is subject to Social Security, Medicare, and federal income taxes, the missionary should include these taxes on the Vehicle Bonus Form.  See "What about taxes?" under Settling-In Bonus above for more details.

Does this bonus require supervisor approval?

Yes, you must email this bonus request to your supervisor and international@reliant.org and ask your supervisor to review and send his or her approval confirming that this vehicle is necessary for ministry and confirming that he or she has debriefed the missionary on safety/security concerns with driving and owning a vehicle in the country of service.  This supervisor email should be sent to international@reliant.org with his or her electronic signature (Full Name, Fund Number if Reliant staff, Email Address, Phone Number, Date).

Do I need to change or update my Support Goal Worksheet (SGW) if I buy a vehicle while overseas?

Yes, you will want to think about vehicle maintenance such as oil changes, car repairs, and gas and add these into your monthly SGW.  Send your updated SGW to international@reliant.org for processing by the 20th of the month for your salary to be reflected on the next paycheck.

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titleInternational Settling In and Vehicle Bonus Request Form

Hardship Bonus Request

Who is eligible?

International Missionaries that have been Released to Assignment are eligible to request Financial Hardship bonuses, since they are paid a needs-based salary to cover their financial needs on the field. Examples of financial hardship bonus requests include paying for flights back to the US that are not reimbursable for personal reasons, property emergencies such as theft or loss, evacuations, visa/immigration issues out of the ordinary, etc.

Reliant encourages international missionaries to plan for needs in their monthly salary wherever possible.  Reliant missionaries need to be saving for the future from their salaries. Each international missionary's Support Goal Worksheet (SGW) sets the limits (or maximums) for the amount of salary they can request for discretionary categories like Food, Medical, Discretionary spending, etc. When the the missionary has an unexpected hardship that fits one of the categories on the SGW, Reliant will work with the missionary to increase their monthly salary, seeking to avoid future hardships.  

What if I'm not sure if my financial need is eligible for a Hardship Bonus?

If the international missionary has a financial need that they are not sure is eligible for a Financial Hardship bonus, Reliant encourages the missionary to email international@reliant.org with an explanation of the financial need and the circumstances surrounding it. At times, Reliant may approve a Financial Hardship bonus for a need that the missionary could have planned for in their SGW, with the condition that a new SGW is submitted including proactive changes to their budget in the category of need.

How do I request this bonus?

Complete the International Hardship Bonus form and email it to international@reliant.org for processing.  This bonus does not require supervisor approval or receipted documentation.  If submitted by the 20th of the month, it will be processed for the next payroll period.  If an international missionary needs the money before the next available payroll cycle, he or she can request a salary advance from finance@reliant.org for the amount of the bonus minus taxes that would be withheld.  The salary advance could be processed within 3-5 business days for a fee of $10 to the account for which the missionary is responsible, provided the Hardship Bonus request has been submitted to and approved by the MR department (international@reliant.org).  

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titleInternational Bonus Request Form

FITA (Federal Income Tax) Bonus

What is this Bonus?

The International Support Goal Worksheet does not include Federal Income Tax for the reason that most International Missionaries qualify for Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (Form 2555).  In most cases, US citizens living in foreign lands qualify for this exclusion once they have lived outside of the US for 330 days (out of one year).  

This bonus exists so that first year missionaries and those who may not qualify can increase their income to meet potential tax obligations. 

Who is eligible?

First year missionaries and those who don't qualify for the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion.  Individual missionaries need to consult qualified tax advisors to understand this. 

How do I request this bonus?

While the missionary is completing their initial Support Goal Worksheet, they need to submit a written request for the FITA bonus. This can be emailed to international@reliant.org.

What about taxes?

This bonus is taxable.  If the missionary is subject to Social Security, Medicare, and Federal Income Taxes, the missionary should include these taxes on the Hardship Bonus formthe International Bonus Request Form .  See What about taxes under Settling-In Bonus for more details.

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titleInternational Bonus Request Form

Re-entry Bonus

Who is eligible?

International Missionaries who have been serving on the field and are either exiting staff and returning to the US or are returning to the US and staying on staff domestically with Reliant are eligible to request a Re-entry Bonus.  International Missionaries that are exiting staff with Reliant but are staying in the country where they are serving overseas are not eligible for a re-entry bonus, as the heart of the bonus is to offer financial assistance to international missionaries that may incur many expenses when entering back into life in the US.

How much may I request for the Re-entry Bonus?

You may request up a month of your current Reliant salary for every year you have served on the field overseas, with a maximum bonus request of up to 6 months of your current Reliant salary.  If you are an exiting One Year Missionary, you may request up to $2,000 for having served overseas for one year, or up to $1,000 for having served overseas for 6 months.

How do I request this bonus?

Send an email requesting the Re-entry Bonus and specify the number of months' salary you are requesting to international@reliant.org. 

Can I request special payment of this bonus?

Yes, you can request that MR pay this bonus to you in one payment, two payments, or up to 6 payments if you are approved for a 6 month salary re-entry bonus.  Email international@reliant.org to discuss your options and MTD funding specifics.

What about taxes?

This bonus is taxable, and if you are subject to Social Security, Medicare, Federal and State Income Taxes upon return to the US, you will have those taxes withheld from the bonus amount in your paychecks.  If you are an ordained or commissioned minister and have requested a FICA bonus on your salary, please be sure to request the additional FICA bonus on the Re-entry bonus when emailing international@reliant.org.

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titleInternational Bonus Request Form

Counseling Bonus

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titleInternational Bonus Request Form


titleException Requests

Exceptions can be made at the discretion of the Missionary Resources Director. Contact the International Missionary Liaison for details on how to request an exception if needed.

Timing of Bonuses

All bonuses must be sent to international@reliant.org by the 20th of the month to be processed on the following paycheck (example: submit to Reliant by May 20th to be paid the bonus on June 15 paycheck). If the missionary is in need of the funding prior to the next paycheck, the staff member can email finance@reliant.org and request a salary advance that would be processed within 3-5 business days for a cost of $10 to the account for which he is responsible. The bonus request form must have already been sent to international@reliant.org and received approval for the bonus to be paid as the Finance department will contact the MR department for approval to pay the salary advance for the bonus amount.