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titleKeva - Hey Market

Hey! This is Keva with Reliant. Not sure if you got my email, but can you LMK if you're planning to do an end-of-year-ask? Would love to provide you with some resources to help you knock it out of the park this year... including a pretty snazzy sample letter. 😎

PS - We partnered with ChalkLine to design an end-of-year letter and magnet bundle. It was just released last week, so you're getting a first-look. You can even charge it to your FD#. https://chalkline.printjob.com/s/storefront/product/catalogue/reliant

👍Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Hey Friend,

As we are nearing the end of the year, we want to encourage you to start planning for your end-of-year needs. Late Fall/ Early Christmas season is one of the most effective times to reach out for special gifts, and we’re here to support you! We have created three easy steps to help you get started, as well as other resources available to make this process easier. You can find more details about each step (Plan, Invite, and Engage) by visiting our EOY Ask Solomon page.

So we want to know: Do you plan on making an end-of-year ask? 

Let me know how I can help in this process!

  •  Meredith Evans , if you feel like you got a good response from your email or HeyMarket reach-outs about EOYA, could you add them onto this page? We're trying to gather up what was done this year so we have it as a reference for next year. Thanks!! 
