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*Keva- finish November on End of Year Ask - Easy as PIE page and then update the content on this page. 

Here's the November Anchor link: End of Year Ask - Easy as PIE - MTD Health - Solomon (reliant.org)

Subject Line: What impact would $10K make to your MTD? 


$10,000 is the average our people raise with the end-of-year-ask using this method. 

Never done and end-of-year-ask before? Did one once and it was a pain? This year's ask can be easy as P.I.E. - PLAN, INVITE, ENGAGE.

Kick it off this month with some planning. Here are the steps: 

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Don't be a turkey! Invite people to join you in ministry.

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(before Thanksgiving)

Is it turkey time or is it time to get those End-of-Year-Asks out? Hmmm...

This month, plan to:

  1. Take a snapshot of your giving before sending an appeal. 
  2. Build your materials. This includes your appeal letter, any scripts you'll use and even a greeting card or magnet. Jenni Saniuk any Chalkline templates to put into here? 
  3. Invite people to give! Aim for your invitations to hit the week before Thanksgiving. This puts you ahead of the pack and gives more opportunities for reminders and follow-ups. 

If you'd prefer a relational primer before inviting someone to give, send a snail-mail or email piece. This can be an "I'm thankful for you" card around Thanksgiving, your year-end appeal letter with a hand-written note, a prayer magnet, a postcard, etc.

We've partnered with ChalkLine to make it even easier to create and send your printed pieces. Simply use their templates or create your own, send your mail-merge to ChalkLine, then schedule when you want them to snail-mail it. *We recommend sending the week before Thanksgiving.


We're here to support you! Email MTD@Reliant.org for feedback on your end-of-year-ask plan or pop in for MTD Office Hours every Wednesday from 2-2:30pm, EDT.
