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Standard Name:Reliant Email & Technology Usage
Scope:Field Employees & Staff
Revision Date:1/19/2024
Last Review Date:1/19/2024

Purpose of Standard

This standard applies to all staff using Reliant-assigned email accounts and other technologies, including but not limited to Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, or Reliant-related files stored on the staff's personal computer.

Reliant is pleased to be able to offer our staff a Google account with a Reliant-assigned (e.g., employeename@reliant.org) email and Google Drive. We want to ensure our staff understand the limitations of using their Relaint Reliant email and Reliant Google Drive accounts. Every staff member is responsible for maintaining the organization’s image, using these electronic resources in a productive manner, and avoiding placing the organization or themselves at risk of legal liability based on their use.


  • Avoid sending sensitive or confidential information; never share login credentials via email. Consult your supervisor if unsure.
  • Refrain from sending emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist, or obscene content. Remember, Emails emails are potentially public and can carry legal implications.
  • Be cautious of email attachments to prevent the spread of computer viruses. Verify the safety of an attachment before sending or opening.


  • Do not use the Reliant email system for non-business-related purposes like chain letters, spam, or personal/personal business promotions.
  • Report any inappropriate emails to your supervisor and Human Resources immediately.
  • Always use spell-check or Grammarly before sending an email.
  • Subscription to services or contracts in Reliant’s name requires explicit permission from a supervisorfrom Reliant management.

Technology Tools Usage

General Guidelines

  • Reliant provides various technology tools to assist in your daily tasks. These tools must be used responsibly and lawfully.
  • Special care should be taken when storing and sharing Reliant-related documents, ensuring the security and confidentiality of our information.

Document Storage and Sharing


  • Random audits will be conducted at reasonable intervals to ensure compliance with this policy. Staff will be informed of the audit process.
  • Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.



Examples and Scenarios for Clarity

To further illustrate the guidelines outlined in this policy, here are some practical examples and scenarios:


  1. Sensitive Information in Emails: Imagine sending an email with confidential client datadonor information, but you accidentally address it to the wrong recipient. This could lead to a breach of confidentiality and potentially harm both the staff member and Reliant.

  2. Rapid Communication and Accuracy: In a hurried response to an email, a staff member might send information that is not verified for accuracy, leading to misunderstandings or misinformation.

  3. Inappropriate Content: A staff member sends an email with jokes that could be perceived as offensive or inappropriate. Even if unintended, such content can reflect poorly on Reliant and the partner church or ministry and lead to disciplinary action.

  4. Email Attachments and Viruses: A staff member forwards an email with an attachment without checking its safety, inadvertently spreading a computer virus. This act can compromise Reliant's IT infrastructure and lead to potential liability.


  1. Document Sharing Mishaps: A staff member shares a document containing sensitive project details on a public link via Google Drive, accidentally allowing access to unauthorized individuals.

  2. Personal Device Usage: Storing organizational documents on a personal device, a staff member's computer gets stolen, leading to a potential data breach.

  3. Non-Business Email Use: Using Reliant's email system, a staff member sends out to all contacts a personal fundraising request to all contactsfor a purpose unrelated to ministry, violating the policy of using email for business purposes only.
