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Standard Name:Reliant Email &
Google Drive
Technology Usage
Scope:Field Staff
Revision Date:
Last Review Date:

Purpose of Standard

This standard applies to all employees using Reliant-assigned email accounts and other technologies, including but not limited to Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, or Reliant-related files stored on the employee's personal computer.

Reliant is pleased to be able to offer our employees a Google account with a Reliant-assigned (e.g., employeename@reliant.org) email and Google Drive. We want to ensure our employees understand the limitations of using their Relaint email and Reliant Google Drive accounts. Every employee has a responsibility to maintain the organization’s image, to use these electronic resources in a productive manner, and to avoid placing the organization or themselves at risk of legal liability based on their use.

Reliant-Assigned Email & Google Drive Monitoring & Privacy

All messages distributed via Reliant’s email system, even personal emails, as well as documents created or stored in the corresponding Google Drive or on other technologies, including but not limited to OneDrive, Dropbox, or Reliant-related files stored on the employee's personal computer, can be accessed by Reliant if necessary. You must have  There should be no expectation of privacy in anything you create, store, sendthe employee creates, stores, sends, or receive receives on the organization’s email system or corresponding Google Driveother related technologies.

Your Reliant emails and drive can be monitored with without prior notification to the employee if Reliant deems this necessary. If On the rare occurrence that this monitoring does occur, if there is evidence that you are an employee is not adhering to the guidelines set out in this policy, Reliant reserves the right to take disciplinary action, including termination and/or legal action.

Email Guidelines and Usage

Email is a business communication tool, and employees are obliged to use this tool in a responsible, effective, and lawful manner. Although by its nature, email seems to be less formal than other written communication, the same laws apply. Therefore, it is important that employees are aware of the risks of email: 

  1. An email message may go to persons other than the intended recipient. If it contains confidential or sensitive information, this could be damaging to the employee and Reliant.
  2. Email is a fast form of communication. Often, messages are written and sent simultaneously without the opportunity to check for accuracy. If an employee sends emails with any libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist, or obscene remarks, the employee and Reliant can be held liable.
  3. Email messages can carry computer viruses. If an employee sends an attachment that contains a virus, the employee and Reliant can be held liable. The employee may introduce a virus into Reliant’s computer operations by opening emails and attachments from an unknown sender.
  4. Email should always be regarded as potentially public information, which carries a heightened risk of legal liability for the sender, the recipient, and the organizations they work for.

Reliant considers email an important means of communication and recognizes the importance of proper email content and usage. All Reliant employees should take great care in drafting an email. Therefore, Reliant wishes users to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Reliant’s name is included in the heading carried with every message a Reliant staff member sends. Therefore, email messages must be appropriate and professional.
  2. Using Reliant’s email system for anything other than legitimate business is against our organizational policy. Therefore, sending chain letters, junk mail, or communication related to business purposes not connected to Reliant is prohibited. All messages distributed via the organization’s email system are Reliant’s property.
  3. Particular care should be taken when sending confidential or sensitive information. If in doubt, the employee should consult their supervisor.
  4. Subscription to electronic services (i.e., software, games, apps) or other contracts on behalf of Reliant is prohibited unless the employee has been given express authority from their supervisor.
  5. If an employee receives offensive, unpleasant, harassing, or intimidating messages via email, the employee is requested to inform their supervisor and Technology immediately. It is important that we trace such emails as quickly as possible.
  6. Reliant employees must spell-check or use Grammarly for all emails prior to transmission.
  7. Reliant reserves the right to review, audit, intercept, access, and disclose all messages created, received, or sent over the electronic mail system for any purpose. 

Technology Guidelines and Usage

Other tools may be utilized by the employee to aid in their day-to-day work. These technology tools are expected to be used in a responsible, effective, and lawful manner. The employee should take special care when storing and sharing Reliant-related documents across various technologies, including but not limited to Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox, or Reliant-related files stored on the employee's personal computer.

  1. Documents may be shared via Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox with persons other than the intended recipient. If it contains confidential or sensitive information, this could be damaging to the employee and Reliant.
  2. Reliant-related documents should be stored in the employee's Google Drive that corresponds with their Reliant-assigned email account rather than the employee's personal Google Drive (if applicable).
  3. Employees should avoid saving Reliant-related documents to their personal computers unless absolutely necessary. 


Upon exiting Reliant for any reason, the exiting employee must provide any emails on their Reliant email account or documents within the their corresponding Google Drive, DropBox, One-Drive, or other Reliant-related files stored on their computer, to their supervisor or Reliant upon their request. 

Related to this Standard:

Code of Conduct
