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Fixed Term MTD Coaches,

Let us first express gratitude on behalf of the Reliant Central team. Thank you for your willingness to serve the Lord and Reliant through MTD coaching. Please know how grateful we are that you would be willing to include coaching in your life and ministry.

2019 is primed to be a very exciting year of growth and opportunity for Reliant. We continue to grow as an organization, but this year has also seen the addition of some key church/ministry partnerships. With these new partners, in addition to Reliant’s normal growth, there has been (and will continue to be) an influx of new Reliant workers. These new field staff include church planters, international workers, residents, interns, and campus ministers. One of the things that make Reliant unique is our ability to come alongside and serve these new field staff and ministry partners as they enter the difficult terrain of MTD. Without question, the number one way we do this is through regular coaching.

As Reliant grows, so does the need for MTD coaching. Each new Reliant worker is an individual in need of a coach. So, Reliant needs more coaches!

The need for new coaches most certainly applies to our young and growing partnerships with church residency and internship programs.  In 2019, we expect to train over 150 men and women from these church partnerships. The churches we’re serving often have well-established programs that Reliant will now be providing administrative and MTD service to.  

So your role as a coach is an essential and very important part of providing the service that these churches are seeking.

There is a wealth of information on MTD coaching on the rest of Solomon.  I encourage you to take time to look through that info. We have done our best to provide a roadmap for coaching in your fixed-term context.

Now, you may wonder why it is important to distinguish coaching a Fixed Term person from other kinds of coaching.  Here are some reasons:

  • The timeframe for their MTD is typically shorter than that for a long-term Reliant worker. Most residents and interns have a hard start date for their program, so you will be coaching with an end date in mind. This will make already important things like goal setting and time blocking all the more important.
  • The MTD culture at these churches is different than many of the churches that have historically partnered with Reliant. Although some of them have run a support-based residency program before, many of the support-raising philosophies that Reliant uses will be very new to the church. The pastoral staff and leadership are typically all salaried from the central church fund, and most of them have no experience with MTD. This is different from many of the church plants and campus churches that use Reliant. With there being little to no prior culture of MTD, many of the basics of ministry team development will be new for the residents that you coach. They have not been raised up in a culture of MTD.

  • All the residents and interns chose the church and not Reliant. Most will have never heard of Reliant, and they will likely see Reliant as a necessary means to the end goal of being in the church’s program. This means that for the residents you coach, a trust of Reliant and Reliant’s philosophies must not be assumed. It will be important to establish that trust and not be offended if there seems to be a bit of skepticism early on in the relationship.

  • So, with all of that in mind, it will be important to understand that many residents and interns will not be entering the MTD season ready to give full-time attention to MTD. Many will start MTD while still being in college and preparing to graduate. Most will be balancing some mix of school, job, and other ministry obligations. It will likely be a new idea for them to give 10-20 hours to MTD. You will need to get a clear understanding of their weekly commitments and how many hours they have available for MTD, and then you will likely need to push them and hold them accountable to devote as many hours as they can give. It will be important that they give a heavier number of hours earlier in the process than they may think necessary (potentially 20+ hours a week), so you might have to help them step down from some of the commitments they will have.


What an honor it is for us to serve the kingdom of God in this way. These residents will be starting a journey, and for many of them, it will be the start of a lifetime of ministry. In MTD coaching, we have the opportunity and the privilege to be the ones that help them begin this journey. We are helping them lay a foundation! This is such an important season; the first steps are often some of the most important steps as one walks into ministry. There will be a lot of ups and downs, and there is no telling what each resident will experience in their seasons of MTD, but as their coaches, we will be there. In the good and the bad, we are there. We will be a constant and steady voice in a chaotic season. What an honor.

Once again, We cannot thank you enough for your willingness to serve God and Reliant in this way. We have a challenge ahead of us, and there is no way we could do this without you. Thank you. Please know that we are always available to help you in any way you need. May the Lord equip us for this season and provide us with all we need.


Greetings, potential coaches and table trainers!  If we have not met, my name is Karl Koemmpel, and I am the Fixed Term Coaching Administrator. 

We are currently in a season of coaching recruitment for next year (2023) and wanted to see if you had any desire in coaching with us. 

If you are interested, here are a few expectations for our coaches to consider:


Below will be an introduction to basic expectations for the coaching process for 2024. 

Reliant has always valued coaching and seen it as integral to the success of a Ministry Worker's Ministry Team Development. Coaching at its foundation is ministry and carries the honor to serve Reliant workers during their season of MTD. Coaching is integral both to the practical success of those in MTD in addition to help all parties involved be able to name God's work in the process.

There will be more information given to you as a coach later on with more Solomon pages build, but here are the basics for 2024 Coaching. 


Coaching Commitment

  • Intro call with a Mentor Coach (15 minutes/one time). 
  • Complete the Coaching training in LEARN before as you begin coaching (2 hours/one time)
  • Coaching Cohort calls with your resident (45-60 minutes/weekly)
  • Call with a Mentor coach 30-45 minutes monthly. (bi-weekly for 1st year coaches for first two months)
  • Fill out a Monthly Report on each of the people you coach. Due dates -  After the 25th and before end of Month
  • Sign a coaching agreement at the beginning of the term and Complete and Sign a coaching tracker at the end of term or each pay period for 1099 coaches.
  • Typically a 3-6 month timeline depending on your residents’ start date. 


Coaching Compensation

For current Reliant employees, there are two options for pay:compensation. 

You will be paid $200 Per per cohort per month. Reliant will subsidize $100/mo and you are responsible to raise the additional $100/mo out of the account you are responsible for. You may opt to only receive the $100 and deny the additional $100. 

The coaching bonus is paid out at the end of the coaching Term. Typically paid on the 15th of the month after the coach has ended coaching pending the coach completes needed administrative forms. 

Example - Coach 1 cohort from March - August: 6 Months x $200 = $1200. You would be responsible to raise $600 and Reliant will subsidies $600. Pending proper funding in the accout accept that you are responsible for, you would be paid in full in September.  You could also opt to not raise MTD funds in which you would recieve receive $600 at the end of the coaching temterm

*For non-Reliant Employees. You will be paid as a 1099 as a contractor. 

You will be paid $300 per cohort per month. Reliant will subsidize $150 and you are responsible to raise the additional $150. *We will be opening an MTD Account for you to manage or REactivate Re-activate your giving page, however former donors giving will not reactivate.  You may opt to only receive the $150 and deny the additional $150. 

There are 4 pay periods for 1099s: Jan-April, May-June, July-August, and Sept-December. 

Example - Coach 1 cohort from March - August: March - April = $600, May-June $600, July-Aug ( $600).  You would be responsible to raise $300 $150 and Reliant will subsidies $300 $150 each month this could be activating monthly giving or one time gifts. With a total of $1800 for the season with Pending and pending proper funding in the accout account that you are responsible for, you would be paid in full in September.  after each pay period  You could also opt to not raise MTD funds in which you would recieve $600 at the end of the coaching temreceive the $150/mo per pay period
There are 4 pay periods for 1099s: Jan-April, May-June, July-August, and Sept-December. 

All coaches will be given a Tracker which they will use to log their time and calls. 

*There is still some clarification about the opening of MTD accounts, more information in future communications. 

Table TrainingTraining for Coaches

If you are a first-time coach, you will need to attend a training with which the people you are coaching are attending. Typically, this is program specific. There are three reasons why we encourage this. 


If you are a returning coach, table training is not a requirement but is strongly preferred to be able to connect with the people you will be coaching. There are some cases where people will only table train or only coach but that is not the norm.  If you are willing and able, it is possible to table train for multiple trainings.

Resident Training in 20232024

We are continuing to utilize LEARN as part of our training process. The overall training process starts with  a “kickoff call” where residents meet one another and LEARN is introduced. Then there is a two-week period for residents to complete the course and prep work. Then they will attend a two-day live training which you trainers will attend. You will Table Trainers are not be required to attend the kick off calls. The two-day training is intense and mostly consists of workshop time. 

*We as Table Trainers will have a separate Table Trainers call the week before training.


Compensation for Reliant Employees will be $400 $400  for each training and will come in as a Bonus where. Compensation for 1099 contractors will be $500. This is mostly due to taxes being processed for Reliant employees but not 1099s.

Please reply in the next week, 2023 with the following four pieces of information.

  1. Whether you can coach, table train, or both. 
  2. Which Training(s) you can or would like to attend. (Some of you are strictly program-specific.)
  3. If you will be program-specific or are willing to coach outside your programs. (If you are unsure, go ahead and check with your supervisor. 
  4. If you are local, regional, or national and would need housing, flights, or mileage for the trainings you attend. 

Lastly, You will be interacting with a few different people from Reliant Central and hearing from a few of us in the upcoming months. 

Joshua Dull, Dustin Yankasky, Matthew Mott, and I will fulfill the roles of lead trainers. Not all of us will be at every training and will be splitting time. 

I am the primary person who oversees coaches and recruitment for both table trainers and coaches. 

Our desire is to have commitments from trainers solidified about a month in advanced. 
If you have any questions about training email Jenni.Saniuk@reliant.org

Please email Karl and Jenni about your commitment for coaching and which Table trainings you desire and are available for.

Training Dates

January 11 - 12: Virtual - Zoom

February 9 - 10: Virtual - Zoom

February 23 - 24: In-person - Austin, TX

March 22 - 23: Virtual - Zoom

April 5 - 6: In-person - Raleigh, NC

April 19 - 20: In-person - College Station, TX

Beka Cashmer on our team will be running logistics for travel and housing during training. So whether you are flying in, driving in, or local, she will be in touch to navigate your traveling and lodging arrangements. So keep an eye out for information from her after confirming your commitment with me.May 3 - 4: Virtual - Zoom

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Looking forward to hearing from you!email, text or Call Karl Koemmpel - karl.koemmpel@reliant.org 360-620-9406

 If you want faster communication from me, shoot me a call or a text at (360) 620-9406.
