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titleSample Stipend Agreement

Jim's edits: 

Just got this chat from Dave... he would like us to add this question (or something similar) back in to the stipend agreement below- we had taken it out because we didn't understand what it was there for. 

Will another organization be funding any portion of these monthly expenses above? If yes, what is the name of the organization and how much ministry expenses will be funded by the other organization?

It's an ethical question that Reliant poses to the grantee that hopefully in good faith they give us a truthful answer. So let's say the church needs a total of $1,500 in a monthly grant to pay rent on their meeting facility in Romania. BUT....there's another ministry giving them $250/mo for the same purpose....they really only should be asking Reliant then for $1,250 as a monthly grant...and report the $250 on our Grant Request Form. There have been cases where overseas churches and ministries have been asking for and getting grant funds from several organizations for the SAME thing! And each organization did not know another org was sending grant funds. This section was at some attempt for Reliant to try to do due diligence to ask the grantee if they were getting money from other sources. Fraud can take place in many ways with grants.....people can get stipends from several sources and pretend your org is the only one. Churches asking for grants can do the same thing. This simple question we ask will not stamp out all fraud, but at least we're making an attempt to stamp out grant fraud and doing some sort of due diligence. In the end, it's whether they are truthful or not.

Stipend Agreement

A Designated Grantee is a foreign national receiving monies distributed from the church/project fund in the form of a stipend in order to carry out the ministry activities of Reliant and the church/ministry partnered with Reliant. I understand the definition of and agree to become a Designated Grantee. 

I understand that I am qualified to be a Designated Grantee because I fulfill the following qualifications: 

  • Conduct ministry work alongside an existing Reliant partnership.
  • Identified and vouched for by a Reliant worker or church/ministry partner.
  • Agree to be vetted through applicable government lists checking procedures.
  • Able to receive stipends through the officially registered-in-country organization or Fund Custodian. 

I understand (and Reliant acknowledges) that I am receiving a stipend to fulfill the purpose of the church/project fund through supporting the overall ministry activities of the church/ministry partner as outlined in the Master Grant Agreement, as well as conducting my individual ministry activities (as outlined below) to further those overall ministry activities and to purchase any anticipated ministry expenses (as outlined below) in congruence with those overall church/project ministry activities. 

List ministry activities:




List anticipated ministry expenses:




I understand that the stipend is not supporting me as an individual, but rather the pre-approved ministry purpose by a Reliant-approved church/project and ministry partner. I understand that I am not being paid for hours worked, even as a contractor. Reliant also acknowledges that due to these ministry activities, I, as the Designated Grantee, may not be able to devote time to other work activities sufficient to support my family, therefore Reliant recognizes that some of the funds may be used for personal expenses.

I understand and clearly acknowledge that I am responsible for applicable payment of taxes, withholding for employment taxes, and other compliance with local laws and regulations for monies received. 

I acknowledge that Reliant will take reasonable steps of due diligence to ensure that it is not otherwise assisting known or suspected terrorists through its foreign grant-making process, including annually checking applicable governmental lists provided and maintained by the U.S. Treasury Department. 

I agree to inform Reliant if I travel to the U.S. for any extended amount of time, and I understand I cannot receive stipend monies from Reliant if I am on U.S. soil.

I agree to verify receipt of all stipend monies by signing verification statements as coordinated by my Fund Custodian.

I understand that my Fund Custodian is ____________________________________________.

By submitting this completed Stipend Agreement, I am agreeing that the information stated above is correct and that I understand and am in full agreement with the information outlined above.

Please sign your name in agreement of the above statements on this Stipend Agreement.


Full Name:

Current Date:


