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Fund purposes associated with Affiliate Fundraisers and/or Designated Grantees are explained below. 

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titlePurposes and Qualifications Related to Affiliate Fundraisers and Designated Grantees

Purposes of and Qualifications Related to an Affiliate Fundraiser and Designated Grantees

Those restricted church/project funds used for stipend distribution to Designated Grantees by definition have a two-fold purpose: (1) to enable the church/ministry to expand its ministry activities through the ministries activities of a Designated Grantee (2) to provide monthly stipends for those Designated Grantees. Reliant acknowledges that a Designated Grantee receives provide education, training, and spiritual formation for the Designated Grantee as they prepare for a long-term ministry role; and, in the course of fulfilling purpose #1, (2) to expand the church/ministry impact through the ministry activities of the Designated Grantee. Reliant provides the Designated Grantee a stipend to fulfill the purpose of the fund through conducting the ministry activities outlined in the Master Grant Agreement (see below), and due to these . Because the time commitment of ministry activities , may not be able to devote allow the Designated Grantee time to other work activities outside the church/ministry sufficient to support meet the needs of the Designated Grantee 's and his or her family, therefore Reliant recognizes that some of the funds may be used for personal expenses.

If the purpose of a church/project fund includes supporting the funding of a Designated Grantee(s) stipend and/or if there is an Affiliated Fundraiser for the fund, the following applies:

Reliant will undertake reasonable due diligence to ensure that grants are not directed to known or suspected terrorists.


Foreign nationals may raise support as a deputized Affiliate Fundraiser through a church/project fund on behalf of Reliant under the conditions that the foreign national:

  • Work alongside an existing Reliant partnership.
  • Be identified and vouched for by a Reliant worker or church/ministry partner.
  • Complete an assessment and application that is reviewed and approved by the Program Team.
  • Be vetted using the OFAC Watchlist Verification.
  • Complete training (given by the Program Team) for raising church/project funds on behalf of Reliant and become officially deputized by Reliant
  • Complete a dual solicitation agreement (Dual Solicitation) if raising funds for both Reliant and another organization.


    Foreign nationals may raise funds on behalf of the church/project fund but do not receive an individual MTD fund number. If a registered foreign organization with multiple Affiliate Fundraisers partners with Reliant, they can request solicitor reporting tags be used for tracking donations. However, we can only provide the solicitor functionality once there are at least two solicitors. Also, the solicitor functionality is only available through online giving.


  • All contributions are the sole property of Reliant; Reliant maintains full control of the donated funds and ultimate discretion as to their use for Reliant’s ministry purposes. 
  • For contributions to a Reliant fund to qualify as tax-deductible, they must be intended by the donor for use by Reliant Mission and the church/ministry and are not personal gifts for


  • any individual, including any individual associated with the fund. Donations to Reliant must not be channeled to individuals for their personal inurement apart from a pre-approved ministry purpose


  • for a Reliant-approved church/project and ministry partner.


  • Overfunding of the church/project fund resulting from any support-raising efforts (including those of the Affiliated Fundraiser/Designated Grantee) remains with the fund.
  • If any individual


  • associated with the church/project fund moves to another church/ministry, the funds do not follow


  • the individual


  • . Instead, the funds remain as temporarily restricted for the purpose to which they were originally donated, unless they are redirected in accordance with the following bullet. 



  • All contributions are the sole property of Reliant; Reliant maintains full control of the donated funds and ultimate discretion as to their use for Reliant’s ministry purposes. 
  • Reliant’s desire is to honor the donor preference of the contribution but Reliant has complete discretion and control over the use of the donated funds as part of our 501(c)3 status. Designated contributions generally will be honored, but Reliant shall retain full discretion and control over the ultimate expenditure or use of those contributions and retains the right to discontinue funding at any time.
  • Overfunding of the church/project fund resulting from any support-raising efforts (including those of the Affiliated Fundraiser/Designated Grantee) remains with the fund.
  • Consistent with Reliant's tax-exempt qualification as a 501c3 nonprofit organization, Reliant will not issue refunds to donors from contributions received. In the unlikely event of a cancellation of the purpose or plan originally associated with a church/project fund purpose or plans , or if a foreign national who had raised support as an affiliated fundraiser Affiliated Fundraiser decided not to continue in the role of Designated Grantee for this project/church fund, Reliant will that role, or if a Designated Grantee changed roles, Reliant will retain control of monies in the church/project fund and, as a first priority, will seek to use the funds for other similar Reliant Mission activities beginning with those associated with the connected church/ministry.

If the purpose of a church/project fund includes supporting the funding of a Designated Grantee(s) stipend and/or if there is an Affiliated Fundraiser for the fund, in addition to those criteria outlined above, the following also applies:

  • Reasonable due diligence should be exercised to ensure that Reliant church/project fund monies are not raised or directed to known or suspected terrorists.
  • In no circumstances should the church/project name be the name of the Designated Grantee. Instead, it should refer to the church/ministry project for which the Designated Grantee is providing ministry activities.

Any Reliant employee/associate may raise funds on behalf of a church/project fund. 

A U.S. citizen who is not a Reliant employee/associate must become an associate with Reliant in order to raise church/project funds on behalf of Reliant. Associates are eligible to submit church/project fund reimbursements and grant requests.Foreign nationals may raise support as a deputized Affiliate Fundraiser through a church/project fund on behalf of Reliant under the conditions that the foreign national:


Complete a dual solicitation agreement (Dual Solicitation) if raising funds for both Reliant and another organization.


Foreign nationals may raise funds on behalf of the church/project fund but do not receive an individual MTD fund number. If a registered foreign organization with multiple Affiliate Fundraisers partners with Reliant, they can request solicitor reporting tags be used for tracking donations. However, we can only provide the solicitor functionality once there are at least two solicitors. Also, the solicitor functionality is only available through online giving.

Submission Standards:


Unrestricted Church Funds may be requested by Reliant partners who have field employees/associates by contacting their Program Team. Program Team submits a request for unrestricted church funds on Request for Unrestricted Church Funds on behalf of Reliant partners.

Restricted churchChurch/project funds Project Funds may be requested by Reliant ministry partners regardless of whether that partner has Reliant employees/associates. The individual who will become the Fund Custodian may request the fund by submitting a Church/Project fund request formFund Request Form to their Program Team, with the following information completed: 

  • Church/Project Fund purpose and fund details
  • Signed Master Grant Agreement (which is attached to the Church/Project Fund Request)
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titleMaster Grant Agreement

Master Grant Agreement:

Church/Project funds are created to receive donations, and grants are used to distribute monies for those funds. Therefore, a Master Grant Agreement must be signed at the time of submission of a new church/project fund request to ensure a proper understanding of grant use when monies are distributed. 

The Master Grant Agreement is attached to the Church/Project fund request form and is signed by the Fund Custodian and a Reliant representative. It includes an acknowledgment and approval of the requested purpose of the fund by both parties. It also includes an acknowledgment that the Fund Custodian read and agrees that all parties associated with the fund will follow


the Policy and Standards.


The Reliant Board of Directors delegates to Reliant leadership the authority to approve church and project funds to further Reliant’s tax-exempt purposes by establishing these types of church and project funds as defined in the related policy, in a matter compliant with applicable laws and regulations and according to the requirements outlined above. If deemed necessary by Reliant leadership, the Reliant Board may be asked for their additional approval. The Program Team will oversee all church/project fund requests, including obtaining approvals, coordinating with relevant departments, and finalizing fund set up. 

All church and project fund requests must be vetted first by the Program Team lead to confirm the church/ministry partnership with Reliant (either a including the existence of a signed/executed Memo of Understanding or a Non-Employment Partnership Memorandum of Understanding has been signed) and  and to confirm that this request is one that they believe Reliant should move forward on.


  • The purpose of the fund is in alignment with Reliant's tax-exempt purpose as outlined in the policy. 
    • If the purpose varies too greatly from the normal purpose requests, secondary If there are questions related to the purpose of the fund, additional approval by the Chief Financial Officer may be deemed necessary. If the purpose varies too greatly from the normal purpose requests or from Reliant's original tax-exempt purpose, Reliant Board approval , Chief Executive Officer, or Board of Directors may be deemed necessary. 
  • The proposed budget categories included on the restricted church/project fund request for fund distribution through grants are in alignment with the fund purpose given. 
  • If additional approval is required related to the projected amount of the church/project fund according to the following:
    • Funds projected to annually receive under $25,000 are approved by the Director of Organizational Affairs.
    • Funds projected to annually receive between $25,000 and $100,000 require approval from the Director of Organizational Affairs and the Chief Financial Officer.
    • Funds projected to annually receive over $100,000 require approval of the Reliant board. The Director of Organizational Affairs will submit a request to the board.


Fund approval authorizes fund creation by Accounting as well as the solicitation and receipt of any donations for the approved funds. 
