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UI Expand
titleSample Stipend Agreement

Sample Stipend Agreement

  Do we need to make this safe for closed countries? i.e. no use of church or ministry? -I don't think we can make it friendly. We have to outline that they are doing the "ministry activities" as it's the foundation of the form, unfortunately.

A Designated Grantee is a foreign national receiving monies distributed from the church/project fund in the form of a stipend in order to carry out the ministry activities of Reliant and the church/ministry partnered with Reliant. I understand the definition of and agree to become a Designated Grantee. 

I understand that I am qualified to be a Designated Grantee because I fulfill the following qualifications: 

  • Conduct ministry work alongside an existing Reliant partnership.
  • Identified and vouched for by a Reliant worker or church/ministry partner.
  • Agree to be vetted through applicable government lists checking procedures.
  • Able to receive stipends through the officially registered-in-country organization or Reliant Point Person. 

I understand (and Reliant acknowledges) that I am receiving a stipend to fulfill the purpose of the church/project fund through supporting the overall ministry activities of the church/ministry partner as outlined in the Master Grant Agreement, as well as conducting my individual ministry activities (as outlined below) to further those overall ministry activities and to purchase any anticipated ministry expenses (as outlined below) in congruence with those overall church/project ministry activities. 

List ministry activities:




List anticipated ministry expenses:




I understand that the stipend is not supporting me as an individual, but rather the pre-approved ministry purpose by a Reliant-approved church/project and ministry partner. I understand that I am not being paid for hours worked, even as a contractor. Reliant also acknowledges that due to these ministry activities, I, as the Designated Grantee, may not be able to devote time to other work activities sufficient to support my family, therefore Reliant recognizes that some of the funds may be used for personal expenses.

I understand and clearly acknowledge that I am responsible for applicable payment of taxes, withholding for employment taxes, and other compliance with local law laws and regulations for monies received. 

I acknowledge that Reliant will take reasonable steps of due diligence to ensure that it is not otherwise assisting known or suspected terrorists through its foreign grant-making process, including annually checking applicable governmental lists provided and maintained by the U.S. Treasury Department. 

I agree to inform Reliant if I travel to the U.S. for any extended amount of time, and I understand I cannot receive stipend monies from Reliant if I am on U.S. soil.

I agree to verify receipt of all stipend monies by signing verification statements as coordinated by my Reliant Point Person.

I understand that my Reliant Point Person isis ____________________________________________.

Please sign your name in agreement of the above statements on this Stipend Agreement.


By submitting this completed Stipend Agreement, I am agreeing that the information stated above is correct and that I understand and am in full agreement with the information outlined above.

Full Name:

Current Date:




UI Expand
titleReceipt Content Requirements

Receipts must include the following itemized details:

  • What was purchased
  • Total amount paid
  • Date
  • Name of individual (only if applicable to the receipt, such as for a flight, hotel, rental car, etc.)
  • Name of the company (or person) that was paid
  • If the amount that is being submitted on the form is less than the amount for the item listed on the receipt that is submitted, please add a note to the top of the receipt explaining why the request for submission is a different amount.
UI Expand
titleHand-Written Receipts

Hand-Written Receipts

When unable to obtain a formal itemized receipt (such as in the case of stipend distribution), hand-written receipts in the form of a verification statement are acceptable, as long as they contain the information outlined below.

If a hand-written receipt with a signature is unattainable, an email verification statement can be sent from the individual who received monies via personal email to the Reliant Point Person to be used as the "hand-written receipt".

For ExpenseFor Stipend

Example verification statement: “I, (name of worker of a business), received this (total amount) via (type of payment) from (Reliant Point Person name) to cover the cost of (expense) in which they participated or purchased from me on (date). -(Signature), (Phone or Email)”. 

  • Name of individual or worker of a business who received the money for product or services
  • Total amount paid
  • Include type of payment (check #, cash, etc)
  • Name of Reliant Point Person making the purchase
  • What was purchased
  • Date
  • Signature
  • Include contact info (phone or email) if payment was made to an individual

Example verification statement: “I, (name), received this stipend disbursement (amount) on (date) from (NGO or Reliant Point Person name) to conduct ministry activities as described in the Stipend Agreement. -(Signature)”. 

  • Designated Grantee Name
  • Acknowledge stipend was received
  • Total amount of Stipend
  • Date
  • Name of NGO or Reliant Point Person distributing the stipend
  • Signature of Designated Grantee

UI Expand
titleReceipts from Mobile/Banking App

Receipts from Mobile/Banking App

For receipts from mobile apps (such as Venmo, Square, Apple Pay, PayPal, Google Wallet, or a banking app, etc.), Reliant Point Person should be sure to include a clear description in the memo or "what's it for?" section of the transaction, to document what expense the payment is related to. The grant report should also include any information required for a valid receipt that is not visible on the mobile app "receipt" (see the guidelines above for what details must be included on the itemized receipt or hand-written receipt for it to be acceptable.) Please see the section below for details on receipts needed for shared expenses.

UI Expand
titleReceipts for Shared Expenses

Receipts for Shared Expenses

If a grant expense is used to pay an individual for a portion of an expense that requires a receipt (and the portion exceeds the $25/$75 guidelines), he/she will need to submit two receipts. This includes both a copy of the original receipt with the total expense amount listed from the individual who collected the money and paid for the total expense, as well as a hand-written or mobile/banking app receipt for the portion paid to the individual. These two receipts provide Reliant with sufficient documentation of the transactions. The grant report should include all details required for the hand-written or mobile/banking app receipts, as detailed above. 
