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  • Reliant will refuse any grants that are requested if it determines that the grant is not in line with the approved purpose of the associated church/project fund. 
  • Reliant grants cannot be used for any purpose other than those approved by Reliant.
  • Reliant may approve charitable grant requests after reviewing all relevant information to determine whether the use of funds by the proposed recipient is consistent with Reliant’s tax-exempt purposes.
  • Grant administration and control procedures will vary based upon grant materiality (amount and significance), the nature of the grant recipients’ operations, and the nature of the relationship between Reliant and the grant recipient. ---Dave explained-Reliant won't accept a personal gift and pass it along to the individual through a grant- all gifts must be received as a donation to Reliant and go through the normal process with admin fees, etc. 
  • Reliant will require periodic accounting of the usage of the grant funds.
  • Reliant retains the right to withdraw approval of a current grant or to receive a refund of any unexpended grant funds.
  • Reliant grants cannot be used to cause any private inurement or improper private benefit to occur.
  • Reliant will not act as a conduit of funds for any recipient. Gifts received by Reliant that will be used for grants, will be accepted in accordance with Reliant’s gift acceptance policies and for Board approved purposes.
  • Grant funds received by the recipient may only be disbursed to other organizations or individuals in a manner consistent with the recipient’s grant agreement with Reliant and pursuant to a written agreement with the ultimate recipient of the funds that ensures full compliance by the ultimate recipient with the grant purposes and the requirements of the policies and procedures.


Grant requests involving monthly, annual, or other periodic payments will normally (except in extenuating circumstances) be approved for a maximum of five years from the date of grant approval.  If the requested approved amount or individuals receiving funds for recurring grants change at any point after approval, then a new approval will be needed. If the grantee requires additional funding for the grant project after the grant expiration date, a new grant request must be submitted.

Required approvals are as follows:

  • One-Time Grants 
    • One-time grant payment requests under $5,000 will be approved by the Accounting Manager
    • One-time grant payment requests between $5,000 and $25,000 will need approval by the Director of Organizational Affairs (in place of the Accounting Manager)
    • One-time grant payment requests between $25,000-$100,000 will need approval from both the Director of Organizational Affairs and the Chief Financial Officer
    • One-time grant payment requests over $100,000 will need additional approval from the Executive Director

  • Recurring Yearly Grants (set up of recurring monthly payments)
    • Requests under up to $1,000 a month ($12,000/year) will be approved by the Accounting Manager
    • Requests between $1,000-$5,000 a month (up to $60,00/year) will need approval by the Director of Organizational Affairs (in place of the Accounting Manager)
    • Grant requests between $5,001-$25,000 a month (up to $300,000/year) a year will need approval from both the Director of Organizational Affairs and the Chief Financial Officer
    • A Grant Request over $25,000 a month will need additional approval from the Executive Director




Funding Foreign National by Reliant

In most cases we would like funding from Reliant to a Foreign National to follow the path from Reliant Project Fund >> Foreign Non-profit >> Foreign National.

In the situation where the creation of a non-profit and the giving of money to a foreign national creates risk to that foreign national or to the ministry of the Reliant employee, we would like the path of funding to be: Reliant Project Fund >> Reliant Point Person >> Foreign National.

A question would be, in areas where there is not a risk to the Foreign National, but the creation of a non-profit is difficult or expensive are we able to have funds go from the Reliant Point Person >> Foreign National

Could we have a project fund entitled Zoe #1, Zoe #2 and each fund represented a person. Solicitor- just saying who raised the money, they decide what they do with the money. Using for salary-is that ok? 
