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Expense Category

Summary of Allowable Costs

Key Details

Mobile Phone Device

$1,000 max limit to purchase a phone

Only eligible once every two years

Recoverable as 75% nontaxable Reimbursement and 25% taxable ERB

(*International workers see International Worker Expenses for sat phone)

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Please remember the Standard criteria when submitting a request for a mobile phone device. It should be reasonable and necessary to accomplish the field worker's role. A "smart watch", for example, would not be considered a necessary mobile phone device.

If the phone is lost, broken, or stolen and a replacement is needed before the end of the 2-year timeframe, please submit an exception request.

UI Expand

For field staff working 20 hours/week or more and intending to remain (20 hours or more) with Reliant for at least 12 months after the phone is purchased. 

Field staff working fewer than 20 hours a week are not eligible to purchase cell phones. An appeal may be made through an exception request. 

Associates are not eligible to purchase cell phones.

However, there is a 90-Day Eligibility Extension for Taxable Expenses for Associates who are in "pre-employment" status. (See Associates for details)


Key Change to the Standard: 

There is now a higher max available limit (in the past, the limit was $500)

Cell phones are now 75% nontaxable and 25 taxable. They were previously 100% taxable

For field staff working 20 hours or more and intending to remain on staff for at least 12 months


One-time purchases and subscriptions for apps directly relevant to field workers' job responsibilities are allowed.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Include a brief description of the app (one-time purchase or subscription) and an explanation of the ministry purpose.

Computers & Computer Equipment

Computers (desktop/laptop/tablet), computer equipment (e.g., monitors, printers, hard drives), and warranties, to the extent they are required to perform ministry responsibilities.

Each type of item above is only eligible once every three years

75% nontaxable Reimbursement and 25% taxable ERB. 

UI Expand
titleKey Details

There is no maximum limit for computers and computer equipment, assuming the general expense criteria are followed for what is reasonable and necessary, specifically for your ministry role. A "smart watch", for example, would not be considered a necessary electronic device needed for your role.

Employees may apply for an exception to this standard if a computer is lost, broken, or stolen, and new equipment is needed before the 3-year threshold.

UI Expand

For Field Staff working 20 hours/week or more and intending to remain (20 hours or more) with Reliant for at least 12 months after the computer/computer equipment is purchased. 

One-year fixed-term employees can reimburse a computer at the start of their year term if it is part of their parameters.

Field staff working fewer than 20 hours a week are not eligible to purchase computer/computer equipment. An appeal may be made through an exception request

Associates are not eligible to purchase computer/computer equipment.

However, there is a 90-Day Eligibility Extension for Taxable Expenses as an Associate. (See Associates for details) 


Key Change to the Standard: 

For field staff working 20 hours or more and intending to remain on staff for at least 12 months

The standard is now every 3 years (it used to be 2) because 3 years align more closely with the depreciable life of a computer per recommended guidelines.

There is no longer a max limit amount as there was previously. 

Computers are now 75% nontaxable and 25 taxable. They were previously 100% taxable.


One-time outright purchases of software:

Recoverable as 75% nontaxable Reimbursement and 25% taxable ERB. 

Only eligible once every three years per software type

Monthly Software subscriptions are 100% nontaxable

(*International workers see International Worker Expenses for VPN)

UI Expand
titleKey Details

UI Expand

For Field Staff working 20 hours/week or more and intending to remain (20 hour or more) with Reliant for at least 12 months after the software is purchased. 

One-year fixed-term employees can reimburse software at the start of their year term if it is part of their parameters.

Field staff working fewer than 20 hours a week are not eligible to purchase software outright (an appeal may be made through an exception request) but can reimburse monthly software subscriptions.

Associates are not eligible to purchase software outright but can reimburse monthly software subscriptions.

However, there is a 90-Day Eligibility Extension for Taxable Expenses for Associates who are in "pre-employment" status. (See Associates for details)


Key Change to the Standard: 

For field staff working 20 hours or more and intending to remain on staff for at least 12 months

The standard is now every 3 years (it used to be 2)

There is no longer a max limit amount as there was previously. 

Software is now 75% nontaxable and 25 taxable. It was previously 100% taxable.


Sound/lighting/projection equipment, musical instruments, and other types of equipment, to the extent they are required to perform ministry responsibilities.

Recoverable as 75% nontaxable Reimbursement and 25% taxable ERB. 

UI Expand
titleEquipment Rental

Equipment can be rented and fully reimbursed if required to perform ministry responsibilities. 

UI Expand
titleKey Details

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

There is no limit to how often equipment can be purchased, nor is there a max cap amount on the purchase, but remember to follow the Standard criteria for what is reasonable and necessary to the specific ministry role. 

Employees or Associates may submit a request on the expense submission form for a fully non-taxable equipment expense recovery by explaining how the equipment is 100% necessary to perform ministry-related work and provides only marginal or no personal benefit.

UI Expand

For Field Staff working 20 hours/week or more and intending to remain (20 hours or more) with Reliant for at least 12 months after the equipment is purchased. 

Field staff working fewer than 20 hours a week are not eligible to purchase equipment. An appeal may be made through an exception request.

Associates are not eligible to purchase equipment due to the taxable component. 

However, there is a 90-Day Eligibility Extension for Taxable Expenses for Associates who are in "pre-employment" status. (See Associates for details)


Key Change to the Standard: 

No max limit amount (there used to be assigned limits per type of equipment); however remember criteria of reasonable and necessary will always apply

Equipment can be purchased as needed (it used to be only every 2 years for each type of item)

Equipment is now 75% nontaxable and 25% taxable. It was previously 100% taxable

For field staff working 20 hours or more and intending to remain on staff for at least 12 months

Website Hosting & Email Distribution 

Website hosting services or email distribution services that are directly related to the worker's ministry role

UI Expand
titleKey Details

No maximum limit as long as charges meet the general criteria for expenses.

Media Downloads 

Media downloads such as books, digital photos, graphics, etc., and other resources required for ministry-role.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

No maximum limit as long as charges meet the general criteria for expenses.

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

Add the media title to the submission form.


Key Change to the Standard: Downloads do not have to be religious in nature as long as they have a valid ministry purpose. 

The author is no longer needed for submission.

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

Downloaded media items must be reimbursed at the point they are purchased. Meaning no reimbursement of gift cards bought for expected future downloads. Staff can only reimburse ministry-related downloads as individual expenses at the point that they make them.


Books related to a continuing education class should not be expensed on a normal reimbursement form. They should only be submitted using the Continuing Education form.


Expense Category

Summary of Allowable Costs

Key Details


Up to $250/night for ministry trips 

UI Expand
titleKey Details

For more expensive locations, a higher amount may be approved as an exception request based on IRS Per Diem Rates for the travel destination.

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

If an additional hotel room is needed to accommodate space for family members that would not have been needed initially by the field worker, or if the cost is per person and the field worker brought family members, that additional room/cost can only be recovered through an ERB. Remember to review non-employed spouse and family costs.

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

The full version of the hotel receipt that includes the field worker's name and receipts must be submitted for all lodging, regardless of the amount.

Choose to submit the receipt either on the month it was purchased, or the month the travel takes place since both dates are found on the receipt. 

Remember, if lodging was shared with others, please follow the instructions above for shared expenses as two receipts will be needed.




Seat upgrade, if needed

TSA pre-check or CLEAR

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Seat upgrades may be reimbursed if required as a reasonable accommodation.

TSA pre-check or CLEAR may be reimbursed if the service is used for ministry-related travel 3 or more times per year.

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

Redeemed travel points cannot be reimbursed as a cash payment. Only the amount paid in cash after redeeming points can be reimbursed.

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

Remember, Reliant needs the full version of the flight receipt that includes the field worker's name, itinerary, and the amount paid.

Review non-employed spouse and family costs above.

Choose to submit the receipt either on the month it was purchased, or the month the travel takes place since both dates are found on the receipt. 

Rental Car/Borrowed Car

UI Expand
titleRental Car, Rental Car Fuel, and Insurance

Rental car, fuel receipts, and additional insurance purchased are all reimbursable. 

Only fuel costs can be reimbursed for a rental car, not mileage.

UI Expand
titleBorrowed Car

Only reasonable fuel costs can be reimbursed for a borrowed car, not mileage. 

Additional financial compensation given to the car owner for the use of their borrowed vehicle cannot be reimbursed. (See "Gifts" below for details)

UI Expand
titleKey Details

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

Rental Car:

Remember, Reliant needs the full version of the rental car receipt that includes the field worker's name.

Any costs associated with a rental car (fuel/insurance) must be submitted with a copy of the associated rental car receipt.

If submitting your rental car fuel receipts on a different form submission than the one that includes the rental car receipt, please include a copy of the rental car receipt for reference as part of the receipt submission and specify that the rental car submission was already previously submitted so that the reimbursement is not duplicated. 

Choose to submit the receipt either on the month it was purchased or the month the travel takes place since both dates are found on the receipt. 

Remember, if a rental car is shared with others, please follow the instructions for shared expenses.

Borrowed Car:

A fuel receipt and the trip's start/end location are needed for a borrowed car. 

In the ministry purpose section on the form, also add the full name of the person from whom you borrowed the car and their relationship to you, total driving distance, and travel locations.


Reliant offers guidance when deciding on Auto and Rental Car Insurance.


Mileage for necessary ministry-related trips in excess of 50 miles each way (less than 50 are included in the support goal bonus). (*International workers see International Worker Expenses)

UI Expand
titleKey Details

The IRS mileage rate for the second half of 2022 (expenses accrued July 1st - December 31st) is $0.625/mile.


Reminder: Mileage cannot be reimbursed for a rental car or a borrowed car

Mileage for trips of 50 miles or less (each way) is considered to be among the routine expenses covered by the Ministry Expense Bonus and should not be submitted for reimbursement by an employee. Mileage for trips in excess of 50 miles each way may be submitted for reimbursement. For example, if a field worker were to take a ministry-related trip of 75 miles each way, they could submit reimbursement for 25 miles each way (75-mile trip minus the 50-mile ME bonus threshold).

UI Expand

Associates can reimburse any ministry-related mileage and should not subtract the 50 miles since they are not receiving a bonus through support goal submission.

Paid employees may not reimburse local mileage in any way other than through a bonus on support goal submission. If an employee opted out of the support goal request, they have forfeited the benefit of receiving reimbursement for local mileage. 

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission


Submit total mileage amount (after subtracting 50 miles each way) and the trip start/end location are needed.

Be sure to also subtract any personal mileage for any side trips during business travel from the total mileage you submit for reimbursement.


The above submission rules apply, and...

If the worker is the driver in a carpool: passengers will typically directly reimburse the driver for a portion of the mileage/gas cost by calculating the mileage rate for the ministry travel. The person submitting the expense would then subtract the amount received in gas money mileage from the total amount of mileage they could have submitted on the expense submission form. In the ministry purpose on the form, add the names of the passengers and their relationship to the worker and the money collected (specify the dollar amount from each listed passenger)

If the worker is the passenger in a carpool, when driving in another person's vehicle, reimbursement for the money given to the car owner for the passenger's portion of mileage cost may be reimbursed. The amount submitted for reimbursement cannot exceed the approved mileage reimbursement rate multiplied by the number of ministry miles driven. Enter only the mileage amount that adds up to the cost submitted for reimbursement on the form.  A hand-written/emailed receipt from the car owner is required if more than $75 (please follow directions for what is needed when submitting a hand-written receipt and also include the locations travel (to/from) and the total mileage amount on the receipt.) 


Key Change to Standard: In the past, the limit was defined as 100 miles away from home (each way). The standard has changed to 50 miles each way.

Also, we are now clarifying that the 50 miles each way should be subtracted from the total mileage submitted. This is not a change, but a clarification.

Parking & Tolls

Parking costs of more than $10 when conducting ministry work in a location that is not the local place of work.

Parking costs incurred during travel (airport parking costs, hotel or conference center parking, etc.)

Parking permits at the primary place of ministry can be recovered through an ERB.

Tolls when traveling on a ministry trip are reimbursable.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

Local parking costs under $10 should be included in the monthly bonus support goal request and are not reimbursable.

Other Transportation 

Taxi, bus, rideshare, train, water transportation, etc., when traveling on a ministry trip

Covid Testing

Mandated testing for COVID in order to travel

Only testing not covered by Reliant's health plan can be reimbursed. 

Visa and Passport 

Mandatory fees paid to regulatory agencies and governing bodies (*International workers see International Worker Expenses)

  • Visa Fees and related documentation are reimbursable
  • Passport fees and related documentation (taxable ERB) 


Vaccinations and Immunizations (short-term international trips)

Vaccinations and immunizations required for international travel (taxable ERB(*International workers see International Worker Expenses)

Certain medications required for international short-term travel related to mission trips are reimbursable

UI Expand
titleKey Details

We encourage participants of the Reliant-offered health plans to utilize their medical and prescription care benefits to hopefully decrease their out-of-pocket costs, and whenever possible to utilize their HSA savings accounts to cover these expenditures. 

Prescription medicines prescribed by a doctor or recommended by the CDC specifically for ministry travel to a country outside of your normal ministry location (such as malaria pills) are reimbursable

Other over-the-counter medications purchased for use during ministry travel to a country outside of your normal ministry location are reimbursable. Please limit the quantity of medication to correlate with the length of the mission trip. This type of expense should be limited to medications you don't normally utilize personally on a regular basis.

Meals During Travel

Meals during ministry trips

UI Expand
titleKey Details

See also "Meals & Hospitality" under Other Ministry Expenses below.

UI Expand


Meals need to meet one of these two guidelines:

Directly ministry-related (the main purpose of the meal was the active conduct of ministry) or...

Closely connected to the ministry activity (ministry discussion occurred directly before, during, or after the meal or hospitality event.)

Associate staff may be eligible to reimburse reasonable meal expenses with other Reliant workers, as long as there is a valid ministry purpose where the associate is performing their associate ministry role and the meal is not primarily social/fellowship in nature. Associate meals are reimbursed at the discretion of Reliant.

If a non-employed/non-associate spouse attended and participated in the ministry work, the spouse's portion of the meal would be taxable.

Children's meal expenses are always taxable. Expense Recovery Bonus for family meals is a benefit and can be used when needed in order to be able to fulfill the ministry role. This is meant to be an infrequent occurrence rather than a regular practice. 

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

Add the type of meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) and the meal's location.

Include the participant information in the ministry purpose if others were in attendance. (If fewer than 6 people include first and last names and their relationship to the ministry. If greater than 6 people include the number of people present and the group's relationship to the ministry. 

  • If the meal is with another Reliant staff, please include in the ministry purpose "The purpose of the meeting and the name of the Reliant staff member serving at X location" 
  • Always provide a legitimate reason why a spouse or family members were present at the meal. Itemize the meal expenses (on a separate line on the form) for spouses and family members that exceed the cost that would have been incurred if eating alone. Or, list these taxable spouse/family expenses as an amount that is a percentage of the total meal expenses on a separate line on the form. 

Also, make sure to describe clearly the ministry that occurred and how the meal was related to the overall ministry appointment, even if the majority of the ministry happened slightly outside the meal.


If over $75, remember to include both the itemized receipt and the credit card receipt showing the tip with your submission. 

Alcohol may not be purchased using Reliant funds. (To simplify the reimbursement process, we suggest purchasing alcohol on a separate bill from the meal being reimbursed.) If it was included on the same bill, subtract the cost of the alcohol from the reimbursement total and add a note explaining why the request to reimburse is less than the total amount on the receipt.

Internet Access During TravelCharges for internet and email fees while traveling for ministry purposes. (*International workers see International Worker Expenses)

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Monthly internet access at home should be requested through ME Bonus and support goal submission, not as a regular expense submission.

Weddings and Funerals

If the criteria (under Key Details) for the wedding/funeral are met, then airfare, mileage, lodging, rental cars, meals, and other travel-related expenses, etc., can be reimbursed. 

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Remember to review the Standards for spouse and family expenses.

UI Expand

Expenses incurred by a Reliant Employee related to attending a wedding must meet these criteria to be reimbursable:

The employee must be either officiating the wedding or performing special music as an extension of their Reliant ministry role (family events excluded)

If the field worker is not officiating or performing special music (just attending the wedding as a guest), the employee must have performed pre-marital counseling as part of their role as a Reliant field worker. The pre-marital counseling must have occurred before the wedding and on numerous occasions for expenses to be reimbursable. 

Expenses incurred during attendance at a funeral as part of a ministry role with Reliant (family events excluded) may be eligible to reimburse expenses. 

Conferences and Event FeesAs a general rule, most conferences, retreats, and events are reimbursable as long as the field workers substantiate why attendance at the event was necessary for their current ministry role.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Conferences and events should be directly relevant to the field worker's ministry and job responsibilities.

See below when attending an event with a spouse or family.


Note: Marriage conferences/workshops must be directly connected to the job responsibility of the field worker (roles such as mentoring married couples or pre-marital mentoring) and the local church/ministry should be requesting that both spouses attend. See Non-Employed Spouse Attendance below.

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

In the ministry description on the form, add the specific name of the conference/retreat/event and explain why attendance was necessary as it relates to the ministry role.

The receipt should state:

  • Name of the event and dates the event was held
  • Cost of the event 
  • Name and contact information for the organization or ministry that collected the fees. 
  • Event receipts must be itemized to show the event cost plus any additional charges for food or items such as T-shirts, etc. If this breakdown is not included on the receipt, write notes on the submitted receipt detailing the breakdown of costs included in the total amount. 

UI Expand
titleNon-Employed Spouse Attendance

If a spouse is not employed or an associate with Reliant, their conference fee will be taxable and recovered through an ERB when the presence and participation of the spouse are requested by the local church or ministry.

UI Expand
titleFamily Attendance

Family can be instrumental in daily ministry activities and are encouraged to participate in specific family-friendly events. However, the only family-friendly events that qualify for expense submission recovery as an ERB through Reliant are when children's participation is also required and where the events are specifically geared to the education or care of the family as a whole or for individual family members.  The event would not qualify as an eligible expense for submission for family member costs if the family member is simply in childcare and not actively participating in the event.

For children's expenses to be eligible for recovery through an ERB, a child must have resided in the home for at least half the calendar year (to be claimed as a dependent on taxes).

See also related links for events where registration and payment are processed through Reliant:

Mission and Outreach TripsThe fee(s) for the Mission and Outreach Trip are reimbursable. 

UI Expand
titleKey Details

The mission trip and outreach event should be directly relevant to the field worker's ministry and job responsibilities.

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

See "Travel Fees and Immunization" under the travel category above for what other related expenses can be reimbursed or recovered.

Personal supplies for a mission trip that are needed for that specific location (bug spray, sunscreen, swimsuit, specific clothing) are not reimbursable due to the personal nature of the expense. 

UI Expand

Reliant field workers are required to raise all funds through Reliant for any mission trip, even if the mission trip is sponsored by their local church or another ministry organization. (See Mission Trip Fundraising Policy for Reliant Missionaries.) 

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

For any amount over $75, a receipt is needed for all mission trip fees from the mission organization. In case of multiple or installment payments, submit a receipt for each payment over $75.

Please review Travel Notification Procedure and fill out the appropriate form for either individual or group travel. It is important that the Reliant office knows when and where field workers are traveling in case of an emergency in the ministry location—also review Travel Insurance.

Review Children of Reliant employees participating in/attending International Event

See also related links for mission trips where registration and donations are processed through Reliant:

Event Fee Payments Made by Reliant Employee (for instructions on how to pay for Reliant events)

Reimbursements for the Event Fund (for purchases paid for by an event fund)

Spiritual and Ministry Planning Retreats

Spiritual and Ministry Planning Retreats are intended to be dedicated, focused, and intentional times of immersion in the Word, prayer, and/or ministry preparation. Costs associated with the retreats may be reimbursed with pre-approval on a Personal Development Plan.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Expenses for Spiritual and Ministry Planning Retreats are not submitted through a normal expense submission form. There is a separate Spiritual and Ministry Planning Retreat Expense Submission form for expenses related to this category. 

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

Roles of Reliant field workers are often associated with unique demands and challenges that come with being a minister of the Gospel. Being able to take a day, or several days, away from the normal routine to pray, seek the Lord, plan for future ministry, and study the Word can be instrumental for staff.

Having the opportunity to take a spiritual/ministry planning retreat is not a guaranteed benefit. Spiritual and Ministry Planning Retreats need to be pre-approved by a supervisor and added to a Personal Development Plan at the beginning of each year. They should be required by the local ministry as part of developing the ministry of the field staff member.

Spiritual and Ministry Planning Retreats are not intended for general refreshment/relaxation/recharge time alone or with a spouse (Reliant's PTO policy better suits that purpose), nor are they considered an official Reliant sabbatical (see the Reliant sabbatical guidelines). 

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

All spiritual and ministry planning retreat expenses must be submitted on the spiritual and ministry planning retreat form. The expenses should be entered according to their individual expense categories. 

Mileage to and from a retreat location, lodging, meals, and recreation activities (such as state park admittance, etc.) can be reimbursed with the following two limits:

A maximum of 5 days is eligible for reimbursement per year, regardless of whether the retreat is quarterly, bi-annual, or annual. (The 5 days can be spread throughout the year.)

$1,500 max total per year reimbursement is available for all travel and expenses related specifically to a spiritual and ministry planning retreat. 

If the spiritual retreat occurs within a sabbatical plan, there is no max amount/days cap.

A Personal Development Plan should be linked to the submission of expenses with the supervisor's approval.


Key Change to the Standard: All expenses for spiritual and ministry planning retreats are now submitted on a separate form.


Key Change to the Standard: A personal development plan is now needed to explain how the field worker will use the spiritual and ministry planning retreat to develop in their role as ministry-worker. Local supervisor approval is also required.


Key Change to the Standard: The total max amount is now $1,500 per year instead of $1,000.

Event Facility RentalFor rental facilities related to events: Room rental for an event, park shelter rental, etc. (Typically reimbursed through a project fund.) 


Expense Category

Summary of Allowable Costs

Key Details

Furniture (ministry gathering/small and large groups)

To the extent the furniture is required to perform ministry responsibilities, recoverable as 75% nontaxable Reimbursement and 25% taxable ERB. 

UI Expand
titleKey Details

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

There is no limit to how often furniture can be purchased, nor is there a max cap amount on the purchase, but remember to follow the Standard criteria for what is reasonable and necessary to the specific ministry role. 

Employees or Associates may submit a request along with the expense submission form for a fully non-taxable equipment expense recovery by explaining how the furniture is 100% necessary to perform ministry-related work and provides only marginal or no personal benefit (such as the furniture being purchased for a church/ministry location rather than being used in a home for small groups).

UI Expand

For Field Staff working 20 hours/week or more and intending to remain (20 hours or more) with Reliant for at least 12 months after the furniture is purchased. 

Field staff working fewer than 20 hours a week are not eligible to purchase furniture. An appeal may be made through an exception request.

Associates are not eligible to purchase furniture due to the taxable component. 

However, there is a 90-Day Eligibility Extension for Taxable Expenses for Associates who are in "pre-employment" status. (See Associates for details)


Key Change to the Standard: 

No max limit amount (there used to be assigned limits); however remember criteria of reasonable and necessary will always apply

Furniture can be purchased as needed (it used to be only every 2 years for each type of item)

Furniture is now 75% nontaxable and 25% taxable. It was previously 100% taxable

For field staff working 20 hours or more and intending to remain on staff for at least 12 months

Meals/Groceries (not associated with travel)


Meals for ministry contacts, donors, and group events

Groceries for prepared meals for ministry purposes

One-time special event/celebration meals with co-workers that are out of the ordinary can be submitted through reimbursement

Dormitory Meal Plan Passes, when used exclusively for conducting ministry per Reliant worker role (for example on a college campus), can be reimbursed at a max of $480 for a semester pass.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

In most cases, keep meal costs under $25 per person. In special cases, such as a major donor contact (defined by someone with the ability to give $1,000 or more), meals may be reimbursed up to $50 per person. (Taxes and tips do not count towards the maximum allowable meal cost).

UI Expand
titleImportant Reminders

Normal meals with co-workers are not eligible to be reimbursed through normal reimbursement but should be included in the recurring expense through support goal submission. 

Alcohol may not be purchased using Reliant funds. (To simplify the reimbursement process, we suggest purchasing alcohol on a separate bill from the meal being reimbursed.) If it was included on the same bill, subtract the cost of the alcohol from the reimbursement total and add a note explaining why the request to reimburse is less than the total amount on the receipt.

UI Expand


Meals need to meet one of these two guidelines:

Directly ministry-related (the primary purpose of the meal was the active conduct of ministry) or...

Closely connected to the ministry activity (ministry discussion occurred directly before, during, or after the meal or hospitality event.)

Associate staff may be eligible to reimburse reasonable meal expenses with other Reliant staff as long as there is a valid ministry purpose where the associate is performing their associate ministry role and the meal is not primarily social/fellowship in nature. Associate meals are reimbursed at the discretion of Reliant.

Employee and their spouse ministry-related meal expenses are usually reimbursable if both roles during the meal can be clearly described as ministry related. If a spouse attended but did not participate in the ministry work, the spouse's portion of the meal would be taxable. Children's meal expenses are always taxable. Expense Recovery Bonus for spouse and family meals is a benefit and can be used when needed in order to be able to fulfill the ministry role. This is meant to be an infrequent occurrence rather than a regular practice. 


Key Change to the Standard: The dormitory meal plan passes increased from $160/semester to $480/semester.

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

Include the type of meal (breakfast/lunch/dinner) and the meal's location.

Also, include the participant information in the ministry purpose if others were in attendance. (If fewer than 6 people, include the first and last names and their relationship to the ministry. If greater than 6 people include the number of people present and the group's relationship to the ministry. 

  • If the meal is with another Reliant staff, please include in the ministry purpose "Reliant staff member serving at X location" 
  • Always provide a legitimate reason why a spouse or family members were present at the meal. Itemize the meal expenses for spouses and family members that exceed the cost that would have been incurred if eating alone. Or, list these taxable spouse/family expenses as a percentage of the total meal expenses. 

Also, make sure to describe clearly the ministry that occurred and how the meal was related to the overall ministry appointment, even if the majority of the ministry happened slightly outside of the meal.


If over $75, remember to include both the itemized receipt and the credit card receipt showing the tip with your submission. 


Books that are ministry-related (they do not need to be religious in nature).

UI Expand
titleKey Details

UI Expand
titleNeeds for Submission

Add the book title and why it was needed for your ministry to the ministry purpose section of the expense submission form.

Books given as Gifts or textbooks for Continuing Education are reimbursed in those expense categories.


Key Change to the Standard: The book's author is no longer needed on form submission.

Continuing Education

Continuing education courses

Course-related books

Associated Fees

Some other continuing education-related expenses can also be recovered through an Expense Recovery Bonus, such as school-required health checks and immunizations and related travel costs associated with continuing education.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

These expenses require a special form. See Continuing Education for more details and the specific form to use.


Needs pre-approval through continuing education form before reimbursement can be submitted

UI Expand
titleNeeds for Submission

All continuing education expenses must be submitted using the Continuing Education form. 

UI Expand

Employees working 20 hours or more per week are eligible for this benefit.

Hourly employees may be eligible upon receiving special approval.

Associates are not eligible.


Counseling is not eligible for reimbursement or ERB. (*International workers see International Worker Expenses)

Short-term counseling is available through Reliant's Employee Assitance Program for those enrolled in Reliant's insurance. 

See also: Stewardship of Health and Healthcare Resources



Gift-giving is sometimes required to further the ministry of Reliant. Gifts purchased must be clearly ministry-related and also help further that specific Reliant ministry.

Gifts must have an intended recipient determined at the point of purchase.

Gifts may not be purchased more than 30 days before the date they will be given to the intended party. 

Gifts cannot be personal in nature (such as for a birthday, baby, wedding, graduation, etc.)

There is an annual limit for the amount of gift given per person per year.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

UI Expand
titleTypes of Gifts

Types of Gifts: 

For donors, gifts must be clearly related to ministering to that person or showing sincere appreciation for their charitable giving or given as a uniform gift to a large group of donors. 

Hostess gifts/Appreciation gifts

Sympathy gifts

Gifts associated with events (gift baskets for speakers, token gifts, etc.) see Event Gifts

*See details on Gift Cards in the separate expense category below.


Gifts to other Reliant staff (employees or associates) cannot be reimbursed.

UI Expand
titleAnnual Limits for Gifts

Annual limits for giving: Reliant workers are responsible for keeping a record of the dollar amount of the gifts given to individuals over the course of the calendar year.

The cost of the gift is generally considered to be the value of the gift. Incidental costs (not adding substantial value to the gift), such as packaging, mailing, insurance, postage, etc., are excluded. 

$25 per recipient per calendar year 

  • If both the husband and wife are Reliant field workers consider this $25 per recipient as a limitation for the couple in gift giving to donors

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

Include in the ministry description the first initial and last name of the gift recipient as well as the relationship of the recipient as part of the ministry role and the specific ministry purpose of the gift. 

Group items, given to 5 or more people: 

If the group comprises people who share a uniform relationship with the field worker, list them as a group with a specific number of people and a description of their ministry relationship. Example: "12 ministry partners."

If the group comprises people with different relationships with the field worker, list each person's first initial and last name. 

Gift Cards

A gift card given by a Reliant employee to donors may be reimbursed with a valid ministry purpose, but annual limits for giving (see "gifts" above) apply.  

As a Standard, Reliant does not allow field staff to give gift cards to other field staff (employee or associate). 

UI Expand
titleKey Details


For gift cards received by a Reliant employee...

Key Change to Standard: Reliant employees no longer have to turn in gift cards that they receive. See Gift Cards for more details.


Key Change to the Standard: Reliant will no longer reimburse gift cards given to other Reliant employees or associates. In the past, Reliant would allow the gift card to be reimbursed but would then add it to the other Reliant employee's payroll as taxable income. 

Moving Costs

Moving costs are not reimbursable through expense submission. (*International workers see International Worker Expenses)

A moving allowance is available for moving costs incurred while moving from one U.S. ministry location to another U.S. ministry location.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

U.S.-based employees can request a Moving Allowance using this form.

(For International moving costs see International worker expenses below)

Professional Fees

Professional fees paid to companies, agencies, or individuals for services necessary to conduct ministry are reimbursable. Professional fees include coaching designers, photographers, videographers, etc. (*International workers see International Worker Expenses)

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Coaching fees-Reliant field workers often seek outside instruction for ongoing ministry and development in their role. These may be temporary, such as during a sabbatical or role transition, or ongoing and should be discussed with the local church/ministry to confirm the coaching is necessary for maintaining and improving skills needed for the worker's role. 


Key Change in Standard: Reliant no longer needs the field worker to collect a W-9 from a vendor (for Reliant to send the vendor 1099 for that year) if the vendor is paid by the Reliant field worker (in the form of reimbursement) and not sent payment directly from Reliant. 

Phone Calling Card/Prepaid PhonePhone expenses (unrelated to cell phones or landlines) used for rare situations that require a prepayment or phone card to perform ministry duties.


Use discretion when submitting requests for reimbursement of recreation/activity expenses. The recreation/activity needs to have a valid ministry purpose related to the field staff role and must follow the Standard for reasonable, necessary, etc. A recreation/activity for the purpose of general fellowship would not qualify as a clear ministry purpose. Please see the key details for specific expenses that do not qualify for expense submission.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

The purpose of general fellowship does not qualify as a clear ministry purpose, but for example, an activity where the purpose is exclusively the development of a major donor contact (gives $1,000 or more) would qualify.

There are a few specific recreation/activity expenses that definitely do NOT qualify to be eligible for expense submission. Reliant reserves the right to determine other non-qualifying expenses. Expenses not eligible include gym memberships (including campus gyms), admission to theme parks, fireworks, weapons, high-risk outdoor activities (such as whitewater rafting), luxury cruises, and vacation travel expenses.

Subscriptions and Dues

UI Expand
titleOnline Gaming Subscriptions

Due to the pandemic and the increase of social distancing and online social networking, online gaming platforms (only if the primary use of the subscription or purchase is to maintain ongoing personal connections with ministry contacts, such as the case with Collegiate or high school ministry) may be recovered through an Expense Recovery Bonus with a max recovery of $75/month.


Due to the different job responsibilities of Reliant employees, the types of supplies used for ministry purposes are vast and varying. It is the field worker's responsibility to use discretion when purchasing supplies to ensure the items are truly reasonable and necessary for ministry expenses.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Please limit bulk purchases of supplies to 4 months' worth of inventory to be stored at any given time.

Tax ConsultingOnly those U.S. Reliant employees who are ordained/commissioned ministers are eligible and can only be recovered through an ERB. (*International workers see International Worker Expenses below for more details.)

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Tax consulting and preparation-Reliant recognizes that our ordained/commissioned ministers have complex tax situations. Thus, For US field workers, we allow ordained/commissioned ministers to submit up to $350 for fees related to tax preparation and consultation annually. However, this amount is taxable and can only be recovered through an ERB. Associates are not eligible for tax prep expense recovery. 


International Worker Expenses

(Relevant Only to International Field Workers)

Expense Category

Summary of Allowable Costs

Key Reminders

Bank Fees

Bank Fees incurred by International field workers as they travel back to the US or other countries for ministry purposes. 

Bank Fees incurred in situations where the safety of a Reliant International worker is a concern or in which local banking options are either not allowable or unadvisable (e.g., due to the secure nature of their ministry role.) 

UI Expand
titleKey Details

International workers are encouraged to utilize debit and credit cards when reasonable. For suggested credit cards with low transaction fees, see International Finance FAQs.


Counseling is not eligible for reimbursement or ERB. However, there is a counseling bonus available to International workers (See International Expense Allowances)

Short-term counseling for International workers is available through Reliant's Employee Assistance Program.

In the event of an international crisis, International field workers may qualify to receive crisis counseling for a pre-approved duration paid for by Reliant. 

See also: Stewardship of Health and Healthcare Resources

Global Communication 

UI Expand
titleSat Phone

This communication device is required as part of the Item Preparation International Risk Levels and will be reimbursable.

UI Expand

A VPN is highly recommended for international workers to purchase to ensure security for website usage and is reimbursable.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Sat phones are 100% reimbursable as non-taxable due to the necessity of the purchase for the ministry and associated safety concerns related to the ministry location. 

Sat phones for international secure locations are categorized as equipment rather than phones.

See Encryption, Privacy, and Online Security for details on VPN

Immigration Fees

Mandatory fees paid to regulatory agencies and governing bodies. All immigration fees and related costs below (such as travel for visa runs) related to family members are taxable and recovered through an ERB.

  • Visa Fees and related documentation, postage, photos, etc. are reimbursable 
  • Passport fees and related documentation, postage, photo, etc. are taxable and recovered through an ERB

Reimbursable costs include visa fees and necessary documentation, postage, photos, etc., for ministry-related international travel.

Costs recoverable to international field workers through an ERB include:

U.S. Passport fees and necessary documentation, postage, photos, etc.
  • International driver's license fees- initial and renewal

Immigration fees for family

Related travel for visa runs, etc., for family members.

  • are taxable and recovered through an ERB

UI Expand
titleKey Details

When reimbursing immigration fees, please fully explain how they relate to the ministry role: International placement; leading an international mission trip; overseeing international workers; etc.

Immunizations, Vaccinations

To the extent not covered by Reliant health plans, pre-field physicals, vaccinations, and immunizations (including oral vaccinations with a prescription) required for international placement or internship can be recovered through an ERB.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Please include a clinic or doctor’s receipt showing the immunization type and amount you paid. 

International MileageMileage for necessary ministry-related trips in excess of 50 miles each way (less than 50 are included in the support goal bonus) is reimbursable. When the cost of operating a motor vehicle in the international field worker's country of ministry exceeds that of the United States, the International field worker may submit ministry-related mileage at a rate that exceeds the United States IRS’s approved mileage reimbursement rate to be recovered through an ERB. 

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Note that the additional amount above the IRS rate will be added as an Expense Recovery Bonus (taxable). 

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission

Total mileage (subtracting the first 50 miles) along with the trip start/end location is needed.  Document the basis for the higher mileage rate being utilized.

Be sure to subtract any personal mileage for any side trips during business travel from the total mileage you submit for reimbursement.

Choose your desired additional mileage rate (select miles or kilometers) on the International reimbursement form.

The IRS mileage rate for the second half of 2022 (expenses accrued July 1st - December 31st) is $0.625/mile.


Reminder: Mileage cannot be reimbursed for a rental car or a borrowed car

Mileage for trips of 50 miles or less (each way) is considered to be among the routine expenses covered by the Ministry Expense Bonus and should not be submitted for reimbursement by an employee. Mileage for trips in excess of 50 miles each way may be submitted for reimbursement. For example, if a field worker were to take a ministry-related trip of 75 miles each way, they could submit reimbursement for 25 miles each way (75-mile trip minus the 50-mile ME bonus threshold).

UI Expand
titleNeeded for Submission


Submit total mileage amount (after subtracting 50 miles each way) and the trip start/end location are needed.

Be sure to also subtract any personal mileage for any side trips during business travel from the total mileage you submit for reimbursement.

Choose your desired additional mileage rate (select miles or kilometers) on the International reimbursement form.


The above submission rules apply, and...

If the worker is the driver in a carpool: passengers will typically directly reimburse the driver for a portion of the mileage/gas cost by calculating the mileage rate for the ministry travel. The person submitting the expense would then subtract the amount received in gas money mileage from the total amount of mileage they could have submitted on the expense submission form. In the ministry purpose on the form, add the names of the passengers and their relationship to the worker and the money collected (specify the dollar amount from each listed passenger)

If the worker is the passenger in a carpool, when driving in another person's vehicle, reimbursement for the money given to the car owner for the passenger's portion of mileage cost may be reimbursed. The amount submitted for reimbursement cannot exceed the approved mileage reimbursement rate multiplied by the number of ministry miles driven. Enter only the mileage amount that adds up to the cost submitted for reimbursement on the form.  A hand-written/emailed receipt from the car owner is required if more than $75 (please follow directions for what is needed when submitting a hand-written receipt and also include the locations travel (to/from) and the total mileage amount on the receipt.) 

UI Expand

Associates can reimburse any ministry-related mileage and should not subtract the 50 miles since they are not receiving a bonus through support goal submission.

Paid employees may not reimburse local mileage in any way other than through a bonus on support goal submission. If an employee opted out of the support goal request, they have forfeited the benefit of receiving reimbursement for local mileage. 


Key Change to Standard: In the past, the limit was defined as 100 miles away from home (each way). The standard has changed to 50 miles each way.

Also, we are now clarifying that the 50 miles each way should be subtracted from the total mileage submitted. This is not a change, but a clarification


Key Change to the Standard: Additional mileage amount above the U.S. mileage rate is now taxable.

Language ClassesLanguage classes are reimbursable.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Please add the name of the person that has been paid for this service to the expense submission form. Reliant will need to run their name through the database to verify they are not on the terror watchlist in order for the field worker to receive the reimbursement.

A W-9 is no longer required to be collected from a vendor for a professional fee.


Key Change in Standard: Reliant no longer needs the field worker to collect a W-9 from a vendor (for Reliant to send the vendor 1099 for that year) if the vendor is paid by the Reliant field worker (in the form of reimbursement) and not sent payment directly from Reliant. 

Legal Fees

UI Expand
titleEstate Planning

Will Preparation-International field workers are allowed to reimburse fees related to required will preparation up to $1000 per family. This amount is taxable and can only be recovered through an ERB. 

UI Expand
titleTax Preparation

Tax preparation-Reliant recognizes that some of our field workers have complex tax situations. Thus, we allow International workers to reimburse up to $350 for fees related to tax preparation and consultation annually. However, this amount is taxable and can only be recovered through an ERB. 

UI Expand

Notary services are recovered through an ERB.

A W-9 is no longer required to be collected from a vendor for a professional fee.
UI Expand
titleKey Details


Key Change in Standard: Reliant no longer needs the field worker to collect a W-9 from a vendor (for Reliant to send the vendor 1099 for that year) if the vendor is paid by the Reliant field worker (in the form of reimbursement) and not sent payment directly from Reliant. 

Moving, Vehicle, Hardship, etc.There is a specific International Expense Allowance designed to recover personal expenses for International workers that are not eligible for submission on the International Expense Submission Form.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Personal expenses related to moving, vehicles, etc., can be recovered through the International Expense Allowance

Receipts are not used for requesting the bonus. The bonus can be received before the purchase of the expense.

TutoringTutoring fees are reimbursable.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Add the name of the person that has been paid for this service to the expense submission form. Reliant will need to run their name through the database to verify they are not on the terror watchlist in order for the field worker to receive the reimbursement.

A W-9 is no longer required to be collected from a vendor for a professional fee.


Key Change in Standard: Reliant no longer needs the field worker to collect a W-9 from a vendor (for Reliant to send the vendor 1099 for that year) if the vendor is paid by the Reliant field worker (in the form of reimbursement) and not sent payment directly from Reliant. 

Translator Fees

Oral translator fees are reimbursable. Written translator fees are typically reimbursable, depending on the nature of the materials.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

Add the name of the person that has been paid for this service to the expense submission form. Reliant will need to run their name through the database to verify they are not on the terror watchlist in order for the field worker to receive the reimbursement.

A W-9 is no longer required to be collected from a vendor for a professional fee



Key Change in Standard: Reliant no longer needs the field worker to collect a W-9 from a vendor (for Reliant to send the vendor 1099 for that year) if the vendor is paid by the Reliant field worker (in the form of reimbursement) and not sent payment directly from Reliant. 

Storage FeesReimbursement may be requested for storage costs for personal items stored in the U.S. while the worker serves at an international assignment when connected to an international move.

UI Expand
titleKey Details

UI Expand

To be eligible for this reimbursement, the worker must be hired with the intention of being employed at their overseas ministry location for one year or longer. 

A receipt is required for this reimbursement, regardless of the dollar amount.
