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titleParental Concerns

Parent/Guardian Notification Form


Why do we do the parent/guardian notification form? We have set up the 21 age not for legal reasons, but as a goodwill gesture towards the parents. We want to make sure that at this time in their life where they can still be dependent on parents for schooling, etc. that we have received the parents blessing for them to spend their summer at our training. We want to make sure that the parents are supportive and behind the decision and not surprised when the student informs their parents where they are headed for the summer. We just wanted to make sure the parents have been informed and are ok with the decision. We picked 21 as age because they are mostly still in school until then and still under the support of the parent. There is a place on the application for the student to say they are no longer supported in any way financially by the parent and if they choose that then the parent is not contacted for consent and their consent is not needed to complete the application.

  • If the participant is under 18 a parental notification form is required. The parents will also have to fill out and sign both the medical disclosure and the liability waiver. 
  • If the student is over 18, but under 21 and still financially dependent on their parents/guardians the parental notification form and packet will be sent to their parents/guardians.  
  • If the participant is over 21 they do not need a parental notification form and no email will be sent to the parents.  You will see it say this on their application: PARENTAL NOTIFICATION FORM NOT NEEDED-OVER 21.
  • Also, if the participant answers the questions on their application as YES to over 18, NO to parents claiming on taxes and NO to parents financially support me they are considered completely financially independent from their parents and they will not need a parental notification form and no email is sent to their parents.  You will see it say this on their application: PARENTAL NOTIFICATION FORM NOT NEEDED- FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT.


In the past few years, there was only one participant that Reliant choose not to accept and that was due to a parent saying “absolutely No” to their child attending Honduras Leadership Training. 

The only case that Reliant would say absolutely NO to accepting an applicant, is in cases such as where the parent has clearly stated that in no way they want their son/daughter to attend LT. It would say on the application "WE HAVE PERSONALLY ADVISED OUR SON/DAUGHTER NOT TO PARTICIPATE FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS".  and an example of a reason would be... "I have read that this location has a high crime rate and as her mom, I am NOT OK with this."  In the case of a parent saying no way they absolutely can not go, then Reliant cannot accept them due to insurance liability reasons.  

In the scenario of parental concerns, Reliant will ask the local pastor or director to follow up with parent and probably follow up with the applicant to help relieve concerns.  Emails and documentation will be needed to confirm that parents are willing to move forward with their child’s participation in the program.  If the parent has clearly written “No, my child may not attend”, Reliant and the church/network must respect the desires of the parent and will unfortunately not be able to accept the applicant into the program due to insurance and liability reasons.

In general, most parents say they have concerns and those are usually adequately addressed after the parents have a discussion with the director.  You may see written on the application: "WE ARE NOT OPPOSED TO OUR SON/DAUGHTER PARTICIPATING, BUT WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING RESERVATIONS THAT WE SIMPLY WANT TO MAKE RELIANT AWARE OF"....... and that usually follows with a question or concern from the parent. Reliant will then send an email to the director to ask that the director follow up with the parent to discuss and seek to resolve the reservations/concerns.


  • If the next step is national review, then the Collegiate Reviewer will first reach out to discuss the concerned applicant with the LT director. If they want to move forward, then the Collegiate Reviewer will tell the HUB to move forward with National Review (see below).
  • If the next step is to decline the applicant, then follow LT Declination Next Steps.

National Review

UI Expand
titleSteps for the Reliant LT National Review

If the Collegiate Reviewer initiates the National Review, lt@reliant.org will receive an email from the HUB that instructs the Reliant LT National Reviewer to begin an email chain with the team of national reviewers listed above as well as adding the Collegiate Reviewer(s) to the email so that they remain in the loop.

In the email, the Reliant LT National Reviewer will forward the national review HUB email along with the information copied from the email chain that began during the Collegiate Review with the local church pastor.

At the top of the email, it will be stated that we need national approval for this participant and that we need their thoughts on the applicant.

The Reliant LT National Reviewer's role is to make sure that everyone has approved. If one national reviewer suggests an additional condition or asks a clarifying question, then it may begin another round of approvals from the whole team. The Reliant reviewer's role is to keep track of all the email responses and make sure that all team members have given a thumbs up before moving forward with the next steps.

Once a unified next step from the national review team has been determined, the application will then move to counselor review, accept with conditions or decline the participant. If there was a change in the original conditions presented by the Collegiate Reviewer, the Collegiate Reviewer may want to talk with the local church pastor first who will inform the participant before the accept with conditions email is sent to the participant.

There is a potential that after sending to the counselor review, the collegiate reviewer wants to request a second national approval before moving forward past the counselor review. If so, the national review process steps above will repeat. The collegiate reviewer will add the second national review approval information to the HUB under the counselor review stage.


Counselor Review

The next step after the LT National Review is the Counselor Review
