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Currently, the Reliant Reviewer role is assigned to Caleb Hayworth (Collegiate Processing and Systems Admin). If the Reliant Reviewer identifies areas of concern on the application, it will then be defered to Collegiate reivew for a second pair of eyes to read over the application.

The next stage after the LT Reliant Reviewer stage is the LT Collegiate Reviewer Stage. The Collegiate Reviewer(s) should be reviewers for both the Collegiate Review stage as well as the Counseling Review stage. If there are multiple Collegiate reviewers, the first reviewer to begin the review of the applicant becomes the only one who can then finish the review of that applicant.

  • Collegiate Reviewer will be sent an email from the HUB from the Reliant reviewer who found a concern on an LT Assessment. 

  • The Collegiate Reviewer will then go into the HUB and review the assessment.

    • UI Expand
      titleCollegiate Reviewer HUB Instructions

      In this phase, the reviewer can still see the whole application, in addition to the completed Reliant Review. The reviewer can then choose to accept if no follow up is necessary.

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      If a follow up is necessary, then the review will not be submitted and the reviewer will see a pop-up reminder to follow up with the local leadership.

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      Once the follow-up is complete, the reviewer can log back in and enter the follow-up decision.

      image2020-9-3_9-51-16.pngImage Modified

      If normal acceptance is chosen, the applicant will receive the standard acceptance email.

      If "accept with conditions" is chosen, there will be a box to enter the conditional requirements for acceptance and Sarah Swann will receive an email and instructions on how to send the conditional acceptance to the applicant.

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      If "suggest acceptance with national review" is chosen, they can list suggested conditions for acceptance and still move to National Review.

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      If "Decline acceptance" is chosen, there will be a box to put any comments to the local leadership.

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    • The Collegiate Reviewer will then call or text with the local church leadership to discuss the situation.

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        titleConversation with the local church leadership

        Here are steps that we suggest the Collegiate reviewer taking once they receive an email from Reliant saying they have a concerned participant that warrants follow-up with the local pastor/spiritual reference and necessitates meeting one on one with the participant to discuss the concerns.

        • Text the local pastor or spiritual reference listed on the application to set up a time to discuss the concerns.
        • Call and talk through the concerns with the pastor/spiritual reference and explain the below expectations.
          • Ask them to help you know more about who the person is and what you would be getting into by accepting them into the program.
          • Discuss specific questions that you would want them to ask the participant in regards to the specific concerns.
          • Remind them to take notes and report back via email so that we have written documentation about how we handled the concern.
          • Explain the process to them so that they know what our expectations are:
            • We are asking them to follow up one on one with the concerned participant and discuss the concerns in more detail. We want to explain to the participant that we care about them and our heart is to help them have a good experience during the program and we want to figure out the best place for them if that's to attend or not to attend the program.
            • If we feel like the best place is the attend the program, then let them know there will likely be conditions put in place for them to follow (for example meeting with a staff member bi-weekly for accountability and/or asking them to refrain from what they are doing, etc.) and make sure that they are willing to agree to those conditions.
            • Let the participant know that if we decide to move forward with acceptance, they will be receiving a conditional email. The email will sound more formal and perhaps a little intense and will list policies and conditions that we are asking them to agree to follow. The wording on the email has been created for liability reasons so it will sound more legal and less friendly so we just want to let them know so that they are not surprised by the way it is worded.
        • After the call with the local pastor or spiritual reference, send an email to them explaining everything that was just discussed over the phone again as a way to remind them in written form what you discussed. Ask them to report back details from the conversation with the participant by replying back to this email so that we have it documented in written form the student's responses and the pastor/spiritual reference's recommendation of whether or not they feel like we should accept the participant.

UI Expand
titleHere is what each reviewer sees when signing into the HUB during their review stage:

In this phase, the reviewer can still see the whole application, in addition to the completed Reliant Review. The reviewer can then choose to accept if no follow up is necessary.


If a follow up is necessary, then the review will not be submitted and the reviewer will see a pop-up reminder to follow up with the local leadership.


Once the follow-up is complete, the reviewer can log back in and enter the follow-up decision.


If normal acceptance is chosen, the applicant will receive the standard acceptance email.

If "accept with conditions" is chosen, there will be a box to enter the conditional requirements for acceptance and Sarah Swann will receive an email and instructions on how to send the conditional acceptance to the applicant.


If "suggest acceptance with national review" is chosen, they can list suggested conditions for acceptance and still move to National Review.


If "Decline acceptance" is chosen, there will be a box to put any comments to the local leadership.

