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  • All LT participants must be allowed to opt-out of any LT event at any time if they do not feel comfortable participating due to COVID.
  • All LT participants, staff, and speakers must receive a negative COVID PCR test (there are two types of PCR test and both types of PCR tests are acceptable) 5 days prior to arrival at LT and or will need to show proof of a negative result or proof of vaccination upon arrival to LT. After testing, each person should make every effort to quarantine themselves prior to travel.
    • Non-PCR Rapid COVID tests are only to be used to confirm symptomatic cases and therefore should not be used as the COVID test needed prior to arrival. 
    • If you have been vaccinated, you do not need to receive a COVID test prior to LT arrival as long as you have proof of vaccination.
    • If you have been partially vaccinated (received the first shot, but still require a second one) and you are exhibiting no symptoms, then you do not need to receive a COVID test prior to LT arrival as long as you have proof of partial vaccination. You will still be required to receive a COVID test by the YMCA upon arrival.
  • Any staff or participant who arrives at the YMCA without proper verification of their negative COVID test or proof of vaccination will not be allowed to participate in any LT activities until a negative test is confirmed. 
    • Non-PCR Rapid COVID tests are only to be used to confirm symptomatic cases and therefore should not be used as the COVID test needed prior to arrival. 
    • If you have been vaccinated, you do not need to receive a COVID test prior to LT arrival as long as you have proof of vaccination.
  • If LT participants or staff have to travel during LT, it is requested that they receive a COVID test upon their return (unless the participant or staff has been vaccinated). Based on other variables with the travel destination, other requests may be made on a case by case basis such as following necessary quarantine protocols, etc. 
  • All indoor events or gatherings within the LT program (large and small gatherings both for staff and students) will have the following at every meeting:  (*This requirement is different for each LT location. See below for your specific LT.) 
    • Required mask-wearing
    • Temperature checks for large gatherings
    • Check-ins for contact tracing (using an online app)
    • Once per week symptom checklist
  • During LT events (main sessions, project day meetings, etc.) when larger LT groups consisting of non-vaccinated and vaccinated individuals are together the same original guidelines of needing to wear a mask and social distance apply. (*This requirement is different for each LT location. See below for your specific LT.) 
  • All outdoor events or gatherings within the LT program (large and small gatherings for both staff and students) will have the following at every meeting: (*This requirement is different for each LT location. See below for your specific LT.) 
    • Social distancing
    • Masks required if social distancing is not able to be maintained
    • Temperature checks for large gatherings
    • Check-ins for contact tracing (using an online app)
  • For outdoor activities, masks are optional (as long as the YMCA allows it) for activities like walks, hiking, and running. Mask are required for any prolonged close outdoor contact in groups with both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals, like a group sports game or large outside gathering where people are standing close together. If people are outside and can be spread out, they do not need to wear masks.  (*This requirement is different for each LT location. See below for your specific LT.) 
  • When off the YMCA property, please follow best practices and consider the tone that you are setting. Please use your best judgment in making decisions in a responsible manner given the situation. I.e. Most restaurants have outdoor seating and spaced tables, taking multiple cars, and wearing masks when traveling, etc
  • When meeting together in a group during non LT time, When a group of all vaccinated people are together, as long as the YMCA allows it, it is acceptable to remove your mask if you are comfortable doing so.
  • During non-LT time, If you are inside and there is a mix of vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals in the room, everyone must follow the original guidelines of wearing a mask and social distancing(*This requirement is different for each LT location. See below for your specific LT.) 

As of today, the YMCA has informed us that they are prepared to house two students per dorm room over the summer, which means you will have a roommate. However, if you have concerns about sharing a room, please let the YMCA know and they will evaluate each concern on a case by case basis. When it comes to quarantine or isolation needs, the YMCA of the Rockies is also prepared with additional rooms as needed. 

For all other activities, we are aiming for “3 out of 3” of the below best practices if at all possible, but 2 out of 3 are required at all times during LT program activities and meetings. While there are activities that can be done while still following these guidelines, that does not necessarily mean that an activity is safe, or wise, or necessary.   

  •  Meet outdoors
  • Wear a mask
  • Socially distance distance

We are also asking if you have not been vaccinated that you avoid what the CDC outlines as close contact with other individuals. This will help to avoid having a large number of people needing to quarantine all at once during LT.  Anyone that has been in close contact, as defined below, with a confirmed case of COVID will need to follow our quarantine procedures.


The YMCA also currently has similar policies including asking all guests and non-vaccinated staff to wear face coverings and to practice social distancing by maintaining a 6-feet distance from other guests and staff. Since you will be considered YMCA staff over the summer, it is our understanding that you will also have to pass a health screening before reporting to your shift each day. At all times working at the YMCA of the Rockies, staff and volunteers are expected to wear a mask . Staff if they are not vaccinated. Depending on their role, staff and volunteers are also expected to wear a mask any time they are in public or common spaces and/or around others. The only expectation where a mask is not required for a non-vaccinated individual is when staff or volunteer is in their own room, alone in their personal vehicle, or outdoors when alone off the clock. 

For personal times outside of the LT program meeting and events, we want you to act consistently with the LT Program, and our goal is to model responsible behavior at all times. This means considering meeting outdoors when possible, limiting the number of people meeting together indoors, etc. When in doubt, masks are recommended in all settings. 


Results of non-compliance: 

  • Our goal is 100% compliance
  • If someone forgets or misunderstands expectations occasionally, the leadership team will work with them on corrective actions, while tracking and reporting violations to Reliant
  • Habitual noncompliance or a demonstration of intentional avoidance or protest, the participant will be removed from the program and location. 


We highly encourage participants to consider receiving the vaccine if they are able.

Proof of COVID 19 vaccination will not negate the need to follow these policies and procedures outlined above for the summer of 2021. At this point, there are still a lot of unknowns and for that reason, we are erring on the side of caution; therefore everyone must follow them, with no exceptions.  However, vaccinated individuals will not need to quarantine unless they exhibit symptoms or test positive for COVID 19.


These Reliant policies are separate from and in addition to the policies given by the YMCA. If the policies of the YMCA are less strict at the time of arrival than the policies as outlined above, you are agreeing to still abide by the Reliant policies. Likewise, if any YMCA policies are more strict than the Reliant policy, you will need to follow the more stringent guidelines for your situation. 

The YMCA of the Rockies has decided to require their employees to be vaccinated (with few exceptions).  Due to this new requirement, since almost all of the Estes Park LTers will be vaccinated as an employee of the YMCA, Reliant is allowing the LT participants to follow the same rules given by the YMCA for the vaccinated individuals. Therefore, face masks are not required to be worn at any given time (unless requested by the YMCA) by those that have been vaccinated as participants for Estes Park LT. Temperature checks and contact tracing will also not be required due to the large majority of vaccinated individuals. Non-vaccinated individuals will still be required to follow the above guidelines for face masks and social distancing, etc. 

The YMCA of Silver Bay currently has not made this same requirement for vaccination of their employees and therefore due to the larger number of non-vaccinated participants, the LT participants of Adirondack LT (even if they are vaccinated) must follow the rules required in the above Reliant policies for being together with both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals (such as everyone wearing a mask, continued social distancing, temperature checks and contact tracing).

Attendance at Collegiate LT is voluntary. We want it to be abundantly clear that if you are in any way uncomfortable with attending LT and/or feel unable to agree to follow the policies as outlined above, you may opt-out of LT attendance at this time. If you do not feel comfortable with the risk of attendance or if you feel unable to abide by the policies, please reach out to your local church, email Reliant (register@reliant.org), and the YMCA to let them know you have requested to not attend.  

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Update on 5/7/21 to our original Reliant LT COVID Policies: 

Some updates have been made to the original policies that pertain to vaccinated individuals attending LT 2021.

  • If you have been vaccinated, you no longer need a COVID test prior to LT arrival, with proof of vaccination. 
  • If you have been partially vaccinated (received the first shot, but still require a second one) and you are exhibiting no symptoms, then you do not need to receive a COVID test prior to LT arrival as long as you have proof of vaccination. You will be required to take a COVID test upon arrival at the Y.
  • We are still requiring the PCR tests prior to arrival at LT for anyone who has not been vaccinated. There are two types of PCR tests and both types of PCR tests are acceptable. 
  • During LT events (main sessions, project day meetings, etc.) when larger LT groups consisting of non-vaccinated and vaccinated individuals are together the same original guidelines of needing to wear a mask and social distance apply. 
  • When it is a group of all vaccinated people together, as long as the YMCA allows it, it is acceptable to remove your mask if you are comfortable doing so. 
  • If you are inside and there is a mix of vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals in the room, everyone must follow the original guidelines of wearing a mask and social distancing. 
  • For outdoor activities, such as walks, hikes, and running, masks are optional. Masks are required for any prolonged close outdoor contact in groups with both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals, like a group sports game or large outside gathering where people are standing closer together. If people are outside and can be spread out, they do not need to wear masks.

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Update on 5/13/21

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The YMCA of the Rockies (EPLT) made it mandatory that all their employees (and therefore all LT participants) be vaccinated (with a few exceptions).  Therefore, due to the high majority of vaccinated participants, we are no longer requiring temperature checks or contact tracing for this program. Also, the YMCA is allowing those fully vaccinated to not wear a face mask and Reliant has decided to follow with that update to our policies as well. These changes are reflected in the above policies.