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  • Q: With video appointments, how is the "Names Ask" going? Just as fruitful? Less? - Chad Frank
    • A: It is going the same as normal. Follow-up to this ask is critical. A great way to ask is, "Who do you know that I should know?" 
  • Q: Is the HR training required for interns and residents? - Seminole Christian Life 
    • A: Yes. It is required for all Reliant employees. For those whose internship or residency is ending before the deadline, it's not required, but is still recommended. All new staff, as they come on, will do the training. 
  • Q: If we have taken these classes recently through other organizations, do we still have to take them again? - Sarah Swann
    • A: If it is the exact same training, then we won't have you take it again. You can reach out to Julie Thomas for this exception. Even if we certify you for this year, everyone will be taking them again next year since they are annual trainings. 
  • Q: If I'm currently Associate status, do I still need to take the HR training? If so, what version do I need to take? - David Park
    • A: Yes, you still will take the HR trainings because propriety is for everyone. If you supervise someone or are a pastor, minister or field manager, then you will take the field level one. If you aren't sure, reach out to your Program Liaison or to Julie Thomas. 
  • Q: I'm a little confused on who "Program Liaisons" are. Can you clarify? - Seminole Christian Life
    • A: At Reliant, we've made a shift to giving dedicated program teams to the large groups we work with. For example, Collegiate's liaison is KZ, International's liaison is Bethany Orys, Intern and Residency program liaison is Carly Erskine, donor liaison is liaisons are Judi Major and Natalia Perez. You can find liaison contact info on this Central Staff Contact List. *When in doubt, contact Kathy.Zellinger@reliant.org and she will put you in touch with the right person. 
  • Q: Any updates on when StaffNet will be getting some upgrades? - Dave Schubert
    • A: The future of StaffNet, DevNet and CoachNet is for them to go away and for everyone to move to Toolbox. Go check it out. You have access. We don't have a timeline yet on when StaffNet will be going away. But, there will be no new features. All new development is being built into Toolbox
  • Q: In regards to the survey due date, what about staff that are on sabbatical? - Raegan Michelle McAdams
    • A: The survey is not mandatory, although we'd love everyone to take it. You can reach out to those on sabbatical and ask them if they want to give their input through the survey.
      The trainings are mandatory and will need to be completed by the August 7th deadline, even if you're on sabbatical. If someone is on leave (medical leave, personal leave), they will be granted an exception, but will have to take the trainings after they return from leave. 
  • Q: I don't see the survey in my email. Who would it come from? - Ashley Ramirez
    • A: It hasn't been sent yet. You should see it later this week. It will come from SurveyMonkey. It should be titled "Reliant Culture Survey." 
  • Q: Is there a possibility the survey or training emails may go to my junk folder? - Barb Seckler
    • A: Yes! If someone else on your team has received theirs and you haven't, check your junk or spam boxes. 
  • Q: Do you have the results from the comprehensive review of Reliant conducted by Cantey Hanger, Scott Fredricks' law firm? - Anonymous
    • A: Scott Fredricks and Cantey Hanger have been assisting us both with review and investigation of past cases of abuse or harassment at Reliant and with the churches we serve. They've also been advising us comprehensively on our policies. The reviews are not comprehensive of all of Reliant, they pertain to specific situations or findings and are not complete. The results of any reviews will be later this year once we get the results, and there will be a public report we will share. They are assisting us in an ongoing way with a comprehensive review of policies, standards, and procedures. Also, Cantey Hanger has not found other instances of abuse within Reliant staff or churches. They are currently focused on the instances we've directed them to investigate. 
  • Q: Tom, can you explain the pig on your wall? - Averie Wendt
    • A: If you are lucky enough to have a pig cutting board, it is worthy of wall display. Feel free to name it. Tom's taking suggestions. 
