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We care about our people first.  We recognize that crises events can be tremendously stressful and traumatic events that can cause emotional, psychological, and spiritual wounds that take time to heal.  

All Reliant team members who are directly involved with a level 4 or level 5 ( Crisis Readiness Levels) crisis may qualify to receive crisis counseling for a pre-approved duration paid for by Reliant.  

To protect our team members, evaluations and any subsequent treatment will be kept confidential between the team member and the mental health professional. 

(See also: Medical Information Confidentiality)

If the recommended treatment is covered by insurance, the limits will correspond to the insurance coverage.  If the recommended treatment is not covered by insurance, Reliant will cover the costs for a pre-approved agreed-upon duration of time. See  Aetna's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - For AETNA Members for Reliant insurance counseling information. 

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