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Below is the text of the Employee Acknowledgment Form. New staff will sign the form as part of their training/onboarding and a copy will be placed in their personnel file.

Access/Understanding of Field Manual:
By signing below, I certify that I have accessed and read the portions of Reliant’s Field Manual listed on the Reading Checklist on Solomon as of the date of my signature, in its entirety, and I understand each of the policies and operating procedures described therein. I further certify my understanding that it is my responsibility to comply with the policies contained in this Field Manual and/or any revisions made to it. I further understand that if I wish at any time to have a hard copy of the Field Manual, I may request it from the HR Director and a copy will be printed and provided to me. I further certify my awareness that the policies described in the Field Manual are subject to change or augmentation at any time at the sole discretion of Reliant and that Reliant reserves the right to deviate from its written policies at any time. In the event of periodic revisions and/or updates to this Field Manual, upon notification of such updates, I accept my responsibility to review and confirm my understanding.

At-Will Employment:
I further acknowledge that this Field Manual should be viewed as providing general information about policies, practices, responsibilities, and benefits affecting me while employed at Reliant. It is not intended to create a written employment agreement, nor a guarantee of employment, nor does it constitute a contract that is legally binding on Reliant. I understand that my employment with Reliant is on an at-will basis; this means that either I or Reliant may terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without notice, and with or without cause, for any lawful reason. Any written or oral statement to the contrary by a supervisor or other agent of Reliant is invalid and should not be relied upon by me. Only a Reliant corporate officer may create an employment agreement.

Dispute Resolution and Binding Arbitration:
In the unlikely event that Reliant and I are unable to privately resolve a dispute between us relating to any aspect of my employment, or termination thereof, or any provision in this Field Manual, in accordance with Reliant’s Christian Conciliation policy, I acknowledge my agreement to submit the dispute to mediation, and if not successful, arbitration, under the rules of the alternative dispute resolution entity to which Reliant and I may, from time to time, mutually agree in writing.

PDF Form for Printing

Staff may download this PDF for their personal records.

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  1. Mike Swann Tom Mauriello Dave Meldrum-Green Could I get your approval (or comments ) on this new version so that we can publish this in the Field Manual?

    1. Julie Thomas I approve this version of the E.A. Form. One thing that still needs to be done is for Biblical references to be inserted through out the E.A. Form. This was strongly recommended by Gammon & Grange in order to strengthen our position with the ministerial exemption ruling stance that we take with our missionaries. So I'm fine with it for now, but just to note that we still need to add the Biblical references. Thanks!

      1. I may need some assistance with biblical references for the topics included in this form. I don't believe the previous version had them. The form does refer to the Christian Conciliation policy, which itself includes the scripture references.

        1. Julie Thomas None of our versions of the E.A. Form ever had them. But once we claimed the ministerial exemption, Gammon & Grange strongly recommended it. Joe Dunn who is on the Board's Doctrine & Theology Committee gave me some recommendations for the E.A. Form.....so this may be a start....we could also talk to Scott Ward at G & G about it....to get his advice and direction for this project. 

          Joe's initial E.A. Form verse references for consideration:

          Exodus 18:16, 18-22, 26

          Deut 19:15-18a; 21:5


          Matt. 22:39

          Rom. 12:16-18

          1 Cor. 6:1-8

          2Cor 13:11

          Gal. 6:1

          Eph 4:2-3

          Phil. 2:1-4; 4:2-3

          1 Thess. 4:6

          1. I would hold off on contacting Scott Ward for now, we did have review with Scott Fredricks and his team.  The verses were added to Code of Conduct which was the priority.

          2. I thought we were just adding the verses to the Code of Conduct. Didn't realize we were adding it here as well.

  2. Mike Swann  Good question. Recommendation #3 from Gammon & Grange's "ministerial exception" legal defense Memo for GCM/Reliant stated this....which would reside in our E.A. Form: 

    1. The EA form's third paragraph references our updated policy on Christian Conciliation here: Christian Conciliation - archived

      I don't believe we need to fully restate that existing policy in the form, which references a number of other full policies in the reading list.  The Christian Conciliation policy has the verses in it they recommended as well, so I thought this point was resolved.

      1. Good point, Tom.  If we could link the Christian Conciliation Policy page directly to the E.A. Form....that would be great! See example below.....

        Dispute Resolution and Binding Arbitration:
        In the unlikely event that Reliant and I are unable to privately resolve a dispute between us relating to any aspect of my employment, or termination thereof, or any provision in this Field Manual, in accordance with Reliant’s Christian Conciliation Policy, I acknowledge my agreement to submit the dispute to mediation, and if not successful, arbitration, under the rules of the alternative dispute resolution entity to which Reliant and I may, from time to time, mutually agree in writing.